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From the author: published on It has already become a custom that people have recently begun to use the medical term “depression” to designate any manifestations of a bad mood, ranging from mild sadness to severe despair. And there’s nothing wrong if you use this word only when talking with your friends. It is much worse if you start to “wind up” yourself or even resort to medications in cases where this is not at all required. Our article will dispel the most popular myths that surround the concept of “endogenous depression”, we will describe its symptoms, and also tell you what can and should be done about it.[/url]Features of endogenous depressionIn a general sense, depression is a disorder of the emotional sphere a person with pronounced manifestations. A more detailed list of symptoms will be given below, but for now we will outline only the most basic ones: mental and motor retardation, long-term and persistent deterioration in mood, as well as the inability to experience joy even on the most significant occasion. As you can see, this is a much more serious problem than prolonged sadness. Depression is divided into several types based on the causes that cause it. If the cause is outside the person, then depression is called “reactive.” This is due to the fact that this condition occurs as a reaction to some traumatic event: grief, loss of a loved one, illness, separation, serious conflict or something more serious. As a rule, in this case, it is clear where depression comes from, and no questions arise about how to treat it. But there is also a second scenario - when the cause of depression lies within the person. It is commonly called “endogenous depression”. Of course, stress can aggravate or provoke the onset of the disease, but in the future, as a rule, there is no close connection between it and a decrease in mood. That is why it is generally accepted that the cause of this condition lies in a chemical imbalance in the body, but first things first. The most important scientific hypothesis regarding the origin of depression is that it is due to a deficiency of biogenic amines - dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin. The body produces an insufficient amount of them, and this is precisely why a person begins to experience such depressing experiences. Scientists believe that there is an increased risk of endogenous depression in those whose relatives suffer from it or other mental or psycho-emotional disorders. This is why you should be especially careful if you fall into this category of the population. [/url]Symptoms of endogenous depression Unfortunately, many people still cannot recognize the onset of endogenous depression. For years they have been able to blame everything on a bad mood, fatigue, laziness, ecology or psychological problems. Indeed, it is often difficult for a non-specialist to separate true clinical depression from a case where a person has driven himself into a corner, but for a psychotherapist this is an absolutely understandable task. So, what symptoms should make you wary and think about more drastic measures? Unreasonable persistent attacks of bad mood, which may increase or decrease depending on the time of day or year. For example, exacerbations often occur in spring and autumn. In the morning, the depressive state usually intensifies, and in the evening, many sufferers experience minor relief; Slow pace of movements and mental activity: a person thinks, perceives, speaks and moves slowly, the ability to pay attention and concentrate is reduced; Chronic feeling of fatigue that accompanies the sufferer everywhere; For a person is characterized by a feeling of his own guilt, sinfulness, self-deprecation, pessimism and a gloomy forecast for the future; Problems with sleep, and depression is characterized by early awakenings, after which a person cannot sleep at all; Appetite disorders: it either decreases or in somein especially severe cases, disappears completely; Pain of various descriptions and localization, for example, a feeling of melancholy, experienced as a “stone in the chest,” or dull “twisting” annoying sensations in the joints, bones and muscles in the absence of any organic disorders; Decreased self-esteem and uncertainty in yourself; This is what the classic signs of this disease look like. A person can lie on the couch all day and not get up from it. But not because he is lazy, but because he has no strength or even just interest in the world around him. His brain does not produce a single drop of pleasure, and his life consists of nothing but suffering. In general, people suffering from endogenous depression are prone to suicide, but often do not dare to do so, since apathy stops them. That is why psychologists and psychotherapists are advised to work very carefully with such conditions, because there is a high risk that as soon as improvement occurs and the person feels strong, he will decide to commit suicide. You can add a few more touches to the resulting picture. If we talk about a general decrease in energy level, then people suffering from depression often sit for hours in a monotonous “crouched” position, completely immersed in their melancholy experiences. It is almost impossible to have an ordinary everyday conversation with them, which is constantly stalled due to difficulties in finding words, prolonged pauses, misunderstandings and the person’s general “disconnection” from life. His fixation on his illness is simply unsettling, because he is unable to talk about anything other than depression and painful heaviness in his soul. And a vicious circle ensues when a person, due to his illness, moves further and further away from contact with the outside world, which further aggravates his condition - this is the insidiousness of the persistent and long-term impact of endogenous depression. [/url]Treatment and psychotherapy of endogenous depression Endogenous depression is always treated with antidepressants - this is a fact. Judge for yourself that if there is some kind of deficiency in the body, then it needs to be replenished, especially when it comes to such important substances for life as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. But it is worth remembering that self-medication in case of depression (as, indeed, in the case of other diseases) is unacceptable - all medications should be prescribed to you exclusively by a psychotherapist or psychiatrist. You should not be afraid of becoming dependent on medications, because the lack of proper treatment in this case is much more dangerous. In general, the first thing you should start treatment with is a visit to a psychotherapist. As soon as you have compared all the signs of your current condition and are worried, it is better to immediately make an appointment with him. It is the doctor who will be able to choose the medications that are right for you, and will also engage in psychotherapy. Their combination is currently the most effective weapon against depression. You can resist this for a long time, but by doing so you are only postponing a solution that actually works. It is not a fact that a feeling of happiness will settle in your soul, but adequately selected psychotherapy and medications will help you control your condition, and will also give you some sense of support and stability, which is so necessary for any person. Many people, when they hear about depression, give one simple piece of advice: “Get involved in sports and everything will pass.” This method, unfortunately, is only suitable for those who still have strength, that is, their condition has not reached the extreme level of severity. In all other respects, it is very effective, because its action is based on the same notorious chemistry: you run for thirty minutes and get a good portion of serotonin. In more severe cases, long-distance running, and quite intense running, can help. After it, there is a feeling inside that you feel like a human again. However, be sure to consult your doctor about possible contraindications. Relaxation as a method of combating depression is not very effective - everything is already relaxed to the maximum. However, it can give strength!