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From the author: Acceptance is an interesting and worthy process of feelings, when I see another person without embellishment with all his bruises and abrasions, bad traits, good, but I still tell him, “Hello! I’m glad that you’re here, that you’re here with me.” The best thing about acceptance is that you don’t have to be afraid to show someone who you are as you really are. In this situation, you don’t have to hide in your shell. You can relax here. And relaxation allows me to move without fear, explore and recognize myself without wasting energy on defense.” She actually felt genuine concern and natural fear when she saw the caller’s number, or rather the caller’s number, on the phone screen. She had not called him for several months due to the fact that she simply did not have the time, energy, voice, and perhaps even desire. But for some reason she still felt ashamed. She didn’t want to pick up the phone and say, “Yes, I didn’t call you because I didn’t want to... I’m sorry, but that’s how it is... You’re a good person, but not mine...”. In fact, she did not want to upset and hurt another person, at that moment when she realized that she could not give the caller what she wanted, she could not say that they would never fully understand each other, remaining strangers for each other.” Do you know the feeling when, due to some difficulties in life, you don’t call or write to a person for a long time, ignoring him? The unpleasantness and complexity of this situation is that later it may be inconvenient to claim a place in his life. And most importantly, do you want to claim? Life is a hard thing and different things happen in it that can drive people apart, like ships on the ocean. The older we get, the more our environment changes - best friends disappear into eternity, new ones appear, different from the previous ones. Or maybe it’s true that, having not communicated with a friend for a long time, I’m afraid to return, to “ask” into his life - everyone chooses the most convenient formulation for themselves. But when the rhythm of life has stopped, we have left the usual circle of problems, we understand that, perhaps, something is missing, or someone, but we cannot understand who exactly. Most likely, someone who would understand us, love us, and most importantly accept us. Acceptance is an interesting and worthy process of deep feelings, when I see another person without embellishment with all his bruises and abrasions, bad traits, good ones, but I still say to him - “Hello! I’m glad that you’re here, that you’re here with me.” The best thing about acceptance is that you don’t have to be afraid to show someone who you are as you really are. In this situation, you don’t have to hide in your shell. You can relax here. And relaxation helps me move without fear, explore and recognize myself without wasting energy on defense. Acceptance helps fight complexes and fears. In this regard, the person receiving us does a great and good deed for us. But such a pleasant process as acceptance also has a negative side, that it cannot be abused - you cannot take advantage of another person. We are all changing, we are always on the move, so even a person who is completely attuned to us can at one moment look at us from a different angle. Can we accept ourselves? Do we really need another person for this? What prevents me from accepting myself? Or I also try not to communicate with myself, ignoring myself, not maintaining contact. Or maybe someone prevented me from accepting myself? And what do I remember about the time when I was simply happy with myself, not ashamed and not afraid to look at myself honestly. Society teaches us that in order to be accepted and loved you need to be a certain person: kind, good, successful, open, etc. Further. But we are all different and what is good for one is bad for another. They accept and love different people. But people are not always ready to love those who do not love themselves,…».