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From the author: Socionics, despite the peculiar attitude to this science, which is often not recognized as a science, can and should be classified as a section of social psychology, because its main task is to teach productive relationships to people with different perceptions of the world .SOCIONIC SKETCHES 1. Games of TIM's own Why is it so difficult to determine your type of information metabolism? Here is one of my observations. The fact is that, when faced with various life tasks, a person who treats them as responsibly as possible perceives a specific goal as the main one. In order to achieve it in the optimal way, he can subconsciously bring it to the strongest first function and, in accordance with this, temporarily “change” his TIM. (For clarity, I recommend a graphic representation of TIM in the form of Kalinauskas’s helm). For example, a person with the “Don Quixote” type (ILE - intuitive-logical extrovert), solving the problem of “understanding”, can bring “subjective logic” to the place of the first function and thus enter a state of the “Robespierre” type (LII - logical-intuitive introvert) or “Maxim” (LSI – logical-sensory introvert). Most likely, it will still be “Robespierre”, because... in the strong functions of this TIM, in addition to subjective logic, object intuition is present in place of the 2nd function, i.e. strong 1st function of Don Quixote. When solving a problem related to the relationship between people and the attitude of others towards themselves and determined by the function “object ethics”, which in Don Quixote is in the third, “weak” place, in the problem area, a persistent and searching researcher will try to put himself in the place a person in whom this function is very strongly manifested, i.e. is in 1st place. And this is none other than “Hamlet” (EIE – ethical-intuitive extrovert) or “Hugo” (ESE – ethical-sensory extrovert). And again, most likely, it will be “Hamlet”, because... in the formula of his TIM, the leader, in addition to object ethics, which is primarily used to solve the task at hand, is also intuition, although subjective, but still a fairly strong function. Although the ernik and merry fellow “Hugo” can also express himself with pleasure if “Don Quixote” has developed a rather weak subjective sensory system. The fourth, weakest, suggestive function of Don Quixote is subjective sensory. However, if it does not receive support from the surrounding space for a long time, it leads to the amazing effect of self-dualization of TIM, i.e. human development of the so-called properties dual, in this case a type called “Dumas” (SEI – sensory-ethical introvert) or, according to the above logic, “Gabena” (SLI). It’s interesting to go through other functions of Kalinauskas’s helm. (Let us not forget that we are considering the “Don Quixote” type as an experimental specimen). Solving a problem related to subjective intuition (minus the 1st function) will most likely lead to the functioning of the TIM “Balzac” (IL) or “Yesenin” (IEI)). The need for business logic (minus the 2nd f-I) will awaken the adventurer Jack (LIE - logical-intuitive extrovert) in Don Quixote on the basis of quasi-identity. Minus the 3rd function - subjective ethics is realized through the “Dostoevsky” type (EII - ethical-intuitive introvert), and the most difficult for any type minus the 4th (fear zone) - through the "Zhukov" type (SLE - sensory-logical extrovert ). There is no strict pattern in this observation, but there is an explanation for the whimsical vacillation of TIM in changing situations. The play of the first two functions deserves special attention. If the type is initially defined as, for example, intuitive-logical, then with a borderline state of introversion-extroversion, be sure that you will find in it all types with these strong functions in 1st and 2nd place, such as: “Don Quixote” - “Robespierre” - “Jack London” - “Balzac”, i.e. representatives of the so-called "Researchers Club". Representatives of three other clubs manifest themselves similarly: practitioners (sensory-logical), socialists (ethical-sensory) and humanists (intuitive-ethical).types). What conclusions can be drawn from the above? As a rule, a clearly manifested type of information metabolism lives a vibrant social life, regardless of the level of its intellectual development. On the other hand, a person who has mastered the mechanisms of manifestation of various types becomes practically invulnerable to society: any means none. However, there is a key word here - “possessed”, i.e. consciously building his toolkit, or at least simply being aware of which tool he is currently using. People who are interested in the second path can be recommended to live for some time in their own chosen state of one or another TIM and observe the reactions of their own and those around them, develop some techniques, and master the features of this or that TIM. If life or the environment imposes on a person qualities that are unusual for him by nature, then the internal resistance of his organic TIM can be so strong that it will lead to chronic loss of strength, illness, a long-term state of bad mood and other negative consequences. Try to figure this out and, having accepted your type with Love and Gratitude, allow yourself to be who you are. 2. In search of a dual Any type that we define by the first two functions has two more (we will focus only on them for now) additional characteristics: versatility and rationality/irrationality. If the main two functions for which we give the first part of the characteristics of TIM, for example, the intuitive-ethical type, are quite stable in a person’s life cycle, regardless of their location: the first or second function, then the second two characteristics are very whimsical and depend on specific circumstances . You can try them on like clothes for one occasion or another. Example. The intuitive-ethical type can have four variations: Huxley, Hamlet, Dostoevsky, Yesenin. Observations show that all these hypostases, expressed in the socionic relations of quasi-identity, mirror and complete opposites that connect them, can manifest themselves in one way or another depending on the influence of the environment. For example, you, Huxley, fell in love with your “conflict” Maxim. Terrible? Nothing! Let’s exchange (voluntarily or under powerful pressure from the same Maxim) our irrationality for rationality (to do this, we just need to swap the first and second functions), i.e. let’s change our type to the quasi-identical Hamlet and instead of the former “conflict” we will get our quasi-dual. What happens in this case in relationships with other people? The sweetest, cheerful, good-natured Huxley, who loves everyone and everything, turns into the cynical intriguer Hamlet before our eyes (please forgive me if I offend anyone - the characterization was chosen solely to add brightness to the situation being described). This new Hamlet, again suspecting everyone and everything, begins to put direct pressure on his inner circle, noting completely new features and different priorities in him. The one who was a “relative” (also, of course, not a gift, but still had a powerful common first function) becomes for him a cruel “customer”, and for the beloved “quasi-dual”, even worse, remains an “auditor”. Former friends become enemies. A completely uncontrollable conflict develops, because... no one can understand anything. Stories about love spells and other witchcraft are used. I have an example of a family in which Don Quixote has lived for a quarter of a century with his “conflict” Dreiser. They still love each other. However, the poor woman has constant headaches, a persistent state of depression and a catastrophic decline in self-esteem. She literally falls into a stupor when her husband tries to explain something to her. No surprise! Don Quixote simply cannot refuse the process of explaining his moment-to-moment discoveries, while for Dreiser the process of understanding lies in the zone of fear. How could they “find” each other? Nothing could be easier! With intuitive!