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Before explaining how the method itself works, let me remind you that there is consciousness and unconsciousness. Consciousness is that part of the psyche that is responsible for reason, logic, everything obvious, everything that can be measured, and everything that can be rationally explained. Occupies 5 to 10% of the brain. The unconscious is that part of the psyche that is a set of mental phenomena and processes that lie outside the sphere of reason, unconscious and beyond conscious volitional control. This is all irrational, fears, emotions, genetic memory, ancestral memory, past experience, voice of conscience, feelings, emotions, motives, call of the heart, intuition, character, habits, etc. If it is difficult for a person to come to terms with some events in the past, with the emotions that he experienced in them, then all this is repressed from the area of ​​consciousness into the area of ​​the unconscious, and from there continues to control the person. And the unconscious occupies 90% of our brain. Basically, a person makes decisions based on the experience of the unconscious, and only 10% of decisions are conscious to him. Therefore, a person may want happiness, wealth, love, health with his consciousness, and his unconscious will choose partners for him in personal relationships and business, from which he will suffer, suffer losses, and spoil his health. Systemic family constellations work at the level of the unconscious. Therefore, the information you receive during the constellation may be very different from what you know. You may need courage to accept this information, but the main thing is that you trust the constellation process itself. Any living system (the human body, family, clan, work team) functions according to certain laws, following which guarantees a person’s health, happiness, love and success. A person is connected by invisible connections with everything that happens around him at the level of his parental system, clan and all of humanity. This is called the information field, where all the information is stored. Our subconscious is connected to this field and has access to any information stored there. In order to read information you need to enter a certain state. This state is called vicarious perception. Vicarious perception is the basic ability to reach and experience another person's feelings without conscious awareness of them. We have this ability thanks to the resonator built into every person. We read information at the level of vibrations, which we translate into something more understandable to us. In order to master this skill, it needs to be trained, a necessary condition is the ability to enter a neutral state of non-evaluation of what is happening: without desires, fears, expectations, intentions, pity and love, without experience, from a state of “empty” mind, becoming a locator of what is happening and nothing more. . Arrangement helps determine a person’s place in space, in his field. Each person must stand in his place, according to the hierarchy. There are certain laws, the violation of which leads to problems in all areas of life. In the arrangement, you can work out not only a family situation, but also problems in a team, failures in business, and even symptoms of illness. An important component of the arrangement is the acceptance of love from the family, from the parents, the acceptance in general of energy and resources for a future happy life. The arrangement makes it possible to see what is happening in reality and understand how the lives of members of your family, who have been gone for a long time, continue to influence your real life. It also allows you to see what needs to be changed in your life in order for your problem to be resolved..