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ADHD is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is characterized by: a high level of distractibility, impulsiveness of behavior, inability to focus on any type of activity, hyperactivity. It is a fairly common phenomenon when a kindergarten teacher or teacher tells parents: - Your child has ADHD. Discussing production issues with colleagues, the educator or teacher complains: - It has become impossible to work. If previously there was one child with ADHD in a group or class, now there are two, three, four children with ADHD. Error! Research shows that this diagnosis cannot occur more than 8%. Clients aged 30+ approached me with the request: - I realized that I have ADHD, and nothing else. This is the reason for my problems at work and family. The diagnosis of ADHD can only be made by a specialist with a comprehensive medical genetic examination and not earlier than the age of six in our country. In some foreign countries, this diagnosis is made only when the child reaches the age of 12, because ADHD is a developmental disorder. If we compare the development of a child with “running a long distance,” then in kindergarten and preschool age this is only the beginning of the distance, the start, but not the finish. By the age of 12, the child will “run along the distance of his development” closer to the finish line than to the start . Therefore, in approximately 50% of children 12 years of age, this diagnosis is not confirmed. At an early age, the diagnosis is made erroneously in 30 - 40 cases. In boys more often than in girls in a ratio of 3 to 1 to 9 to 1. a series of articles on this topic hereB The article uses materials and research from the training program "Child: instructions for use." Author Elena Ivanovna Nikolaeva, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen, author of more than 300 scientific works, including textbooks “Psychophysiology” and “Psychology of the Family,” books “Psychology of Children’s Creativity” and “Left-Handed Child: Diagnosis, Prevention, Correction.”© All rights reserved. Reprinting an article or fragment is possible only with a link to this site and attribution. My book “From Conception to Growing Up” is about children in an accessible way for parents. The price is whatever you set!