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From the author: In this article, I did not set a goal to describe in detail all the components of happiness. I took as a basis its essential component (in my opinion, the basic, main one) - this is awareness. Psychologists are the happiest people?! - Why? Recently, in a conversation with my husband, he told me that he heard information on the radio about the statistics of the happiest people in the world. And, as it turned out, psychologists occupy 1st place in the list of the happiest people! I was interested in this (of course, I felt proud of us!) and I decided to research this topic a little. I started by searching for information on the Internet and this is what I found (I quote verbatim): Scientists conducted another study on the level of happiness: this time they found out in which job people feel happier. It turned out that psychologists are most satisfied with their profession - 89% of representatives of this profession responded that they feel happy. 100 representatives of 50 professions and specialties took part in the experiment. As you can see, the information my husband heard on the radio is confirmed (I have studied more than one source), and yet no explanation is given anywhere why psychologists are in the lead in this criterion. Curious why? The first thing that immediately comes to mind is the person’s level of awareness. Psychologists, by the nature of their profession, themselves undergo personal therapy, during which personal traumas are processed, negative attitudes and scenarios from childhood are realized, and their own needs become more clear. Thus, the psychologist moves from the category of “living on automatic” to a more conscious existence, takes responsibility for the choices he has made and gets the opportunity to choose for himself how to act in a given situation. Well, since a person chooses for himself how to act, a priori his possibilities become wider and more and more ways of their implementation appear. Realizing his needs, a person looks for ways to satisfy them in a socially acceptable way. For comparison, most people do not even realize why he (s) acts in one way or another, says certain words (automatically) and what he (s) wants for in fact! Awareness of your true desires gives a lot - you know what you want and strive to realize your desire. The path to your desire itself is not painful and difficult, but joyful, it inspires! So, does this mean awareness is vital for happiness? - Yes! This is the secret of psychologists! - This is not a diploma in psychological education at all. Does this mean that anyone can feel happier? – Yes! In order to live more consciously, to know your true desires (which are experienced joyfully), it is not at all necessary to be a psychologist. It is enough to just want it…