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From the author: The fairy tale was written based on the psychological game "Hero's Path". The game itself helps you set goals, understand the difficulty of achieving them, identify resources, and also take the first step towards achieving them. Once upon a time there was a Marksman Archer and he had a bow and arrows. And the Archer knew what he needed in life. What is his calling? The Archer lived in a town where all the people wore masks. And everyone had one, their own, for the rest of their lives. So someone walked around all his life carefree and cheerful, and people took him for a fool. And someone walked around with a sad face, and people avoided him, saying that there was no point in being sad. They found a match to match their mask, so that it would be calmer, and that’s how they lived: sad with sad; cheerful with cheerful. Otherwise, people often avoided each other. They didn’t try to find out the essence of themselves and those around them. And ML was very curious from childhood. Therefore, once he looked under the mask, he no longer wanted to wear it, because it did not reflect his essence. He began to think about how to make life in the town more bearable, but not to wear the same mask over and over again. So he grew up, wearing one mask or another, which he made himself. But people never recognized him. And so, one evening there was a holiday in this city. And an archery competition. The winner of the competition will be able to go to the podium during the mayor’s speech and give a congratulatory speech. The Marksman Archer had to take advantage of this great opportunity to convey the truth to the people. And then the long-awaited day came. ML was very worried. And this excitement made his hands shake. No matter how much he tried to calm himself down, nothing helped. And gradually the excitement grew into anger. He began to scatter the things that were in his home. While he was tearing and throwing, tears of resentment rolled up to his throat. I try so hard, I want so much to help these people recognize themselves and become happier, but they all don’t need this. They will get scared and start humiliating me. ML cried sitting in the corner, and feeling complete powerlessness in front of this city and this life. Gradually, the tears dried up, and he fell asleep. In a dream, ML saw himself winning a competition, and now, he is on the podium, and instead of the truth that he wanted to say, toads crawled out of his mouth. And they croaked: “Look, what a fine fellow I am, I’m better than you, I’m smarter than you, I’m wiser and deserve a better life than you.” And he felt heaviness in his hands, and from his palms appeared tornadoes of resentment, anger and contempt, and tornadoes These wiped the city off the face of the earth. And he was left alone in the whole wide world. ML woke up in horror. The sun was already bowing towards sunset. Looking at his face in the window reflection, ML asked himself. -What did knowing my true essence give me, what do I so sincerely wish for these people? Knowing my true essence helped me - he proudly answered himself. - I know the truth about myself, about all these people, I know how to make them happier. - Vanity, that’s what you got from knowing your true essence - the voice that burst out of his chest was no longer like his own. -Have you decided that you have the right to decide for people what is best for them? Maybe you imagine yourself to be God? The battle with yourself flared up. In this battle, ML heated himself up until he abruptly stopped. - God gave us a choice... And who am I to deprive us of that choice? - His words were calm and firm. My hands were no longer shaking. He took his bow and arrows and left the house in complete calm. ML lost the competition. But with what dignity he did it! Now he had the title of the worst shooter in the city. They laughed at him. And he, instead of hiding from shame, proudly walked around the city, like a hero and winner. People were interested in his demeanor. They wanted to understand what his secret was, why he wasn’t suffering? First one resident of the town, then another, then a third - they came to his house for the secret. And gradually, the town was transformed. People began to come to him for knowledge, and they left completely refreshed. Not everyone in the city liked this. The mayor was terribly unhappy that people were changing and destroying the long-establishedorder. I urgently need to find out what is happening. Putting on a cloak with a hood so that no one would recognize him, the Mayor moved towards ML’s home. It was not easy for him to become unrecognizable. After all, his mask was special, as befits a man of his rank. With an eternal hypocritical smile and an evil squint. However, despite the difficulties, he managed to get to ML’s house. And this is what he saw there... The masks of the people who entered his house seemed to come to life as they left and moved on their faces. The mayor was frightened by this picture. - How can this be... After all, if everyone changes like this, I won’t be able to control them, I won’t be able to force them to dance to my tune. No, you can’t do that, you need to do something about it. This needs to be prevented. The Mayor saw a bow and arrows that were standing not far from the ML, there were a lot of people, so the Mayor, mingling with the crowd, grabbed the bow and began to take aim. The people around did not seem to notice the danger that threatened the owner of the house. Certainly! They were immersed in themselves, in their new experiences and feelings. They got to know themselves and tried to react in a new way, not just the way their mask told them. The mayor pulled the bowstring, and at that moment ML noticed him, but it was too late. The arrow was already sliding through the air. Taking a deep breath, ML put his palm out in front of him. And a tornado burst out of her. This tornado was a mixture of anger and love. Love for his work, for those people whom he helped discover themselves. And anger towards the one who tried to stop him for the sake of his own vanity and self-interest. The arrow flew off towards the wall. People, finally emerging from their own depths, quickly moved towards the exit. The Mayor and ML were left alone. -Have you decided to get rid of me, Mayor? - The Archer smiled kindly at the Mayor. “You are ruining our entire way of life.” I’m just protecting the town’s residents from you and the destruction you’re wreaking. - The mayor was clearly excited. - Damage? - ML was surprised. Well, then try it yourself, if for you it really turns out to be damage, then I will stop doing what I was doing and leave the town forever. ML went to his chest and, grabbing all the masks that came to his hand, threw them at the Mayor. The masks grabbed the Mayor's face, and he felt... God, he began to feel not only fear, anger and hypocrisy. He felt love, joy, sadness... Not yet knowing what all these feelings were called, he fell to his knees and burst into tears. -What have you done to me? - Sobs came from under his mask, which changed expression every second. - I taught you to feel so that you could get to know yourself better, and could truly become yourself, and not the role that was assigned to you from birth. These people come to me and learn to be themselves, to learn their new capabilities. You can come too. The Mayor was confused for some time. He went home. His wife noticed that something was wrong with him. She was scared of him and ran away in panic. The old world collapsed for the Mayor, but he did not want to give up, he wanted to reveal everything that ML told him about. After trying to control himself for several days, the Mayor noticed that his mask was returning to its previous shape, his feelings were no longer so acute. These unknowns and misunderstandings scared him. He decided to return to ML and ask what was the matter? When he came to ML, he told those gathered that the sensitivity that had been revealed to them was not self-evident. “It’s like a muscle, it needs to be trained.” You are still living as you are used to, so everything is slipping into the usual direction. - His voice was soothing. - I’ll warn you right away, not everyone will stay with us and develop sensitivity. Someone will return to their usual state, someone will reach a certain level and this will be enough for them. This is neither good nor bad. Those who do not master all their senses and all their capabilities are neither worse nor better than others. They may not need them. Violence in this matter only dulls sensitivity, so our task is to learn to follow ourselves, and at the same time expand our ability to act. The mayor listened carefully to everything that ML said and thought seriously. After all, he was faced with a difficult choice. Let it be as it is,/