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From the author: I really love my profession and believe in it. I work with difficult cases and clients whom no one could help. Sometimes I have bright thoughts about the work of a psychologist/psychotherapist from my own experience and I talk about them. Systemic family constellations according to B. Hellinger in modern Yekaterinburg (as in Russia as a whole) are already a fairly well-known and advertised method. If you look on the Internet (for example, on social networks, such as “in contact”, or on the psychological portals “b17”, “Self-knowledge.ru”), you will notice that the market for psychological services is saturated, if not oversaturated, with offers “arrangement” from numerous constellations, full of slogans about a healthy family and simplicity of the method... And this is the first big problematic issue about constellations in the city: “simplicity of the method.” It is no secret that modern man is greedy for the “magic pill” and often comes to psychologists and psychotherapists for it - for that “magic thing” that will save him from all his problems once and for all. Unfortunately, systemic family constellations have earned the reputation of being just such a “pill.” And constellations themselves very often form and support such a myth. The emphasis is on the fact that constellations are a short-term method (which, of course, they are). But this fact is often presented by the therapist and understood by the client as “one-time and effective”, and is accepted by ordinary people with a bang. And really, why go to a psychotherapist for years, give money, delve into the depths, when you can just come one time and “solve all your problems,” and even in such an attractive “theatrical” form. The “visuality” of the method is also often promoted to clients, but, as happens with psychodrama, this formulation is not always understood correctly. As my experience shows, this is more often perceived as a beautiful and exciting staged action, and not as a serious psychotherapeutic work that requires a certain level of preparedness of all participants, including the so-called “deputies”, which, however, clients often do not know about. neither the deputies, and the arrangers themselves do not attach due importance to this. In addition, “our people” really like the approach when, as if, they don’t need to do anything themselves. The well-known “directiveness” of the method is often perceived by clients “from the street” as those much-desired advice and instructions that if you follow, “you will be happy.” To the above, let’s add the reputation of the method “among the masses”: rave reviews about its incredible effectiveness, stories about lives changed “in one day,” etc. and so on. And again, the constellations themselves are more likely to support such a stir around the “miraculousness” of constellations. And how can one resist such an easily accessible (and in our city arrangements are still very easily accessible and cheap), effective, beautiful and fast-acting pill that solves everything literally in one go?! Only everyone forgets about those stories when lives were ruined, about cases of suicide due to constellations, about numerous examples of traumatization and retraumatization, about extremely unqualified constellations trying to practice simply by reading Hellinger’s books. This is understandable: a psychologist needs to earn a living, but how can he earn money from something that is dangerous and ambiguous? And here the most important question arises - the question of the qualifications of the therapist. And I want to draw attention to the difference between the concepts of “certified arranger” and “qualified, experienced arranger.” From my own experience, I realized that the certificate does not say anything about my qualifications and ability to help the client. But I know that in the city quite a lot of people advertise themselves as good arrangers, without even receiving a certificate indicating that the psychologist has at least been trained. It is sad. And scary. I saw the work of very qualified arrangers - Moscow specialists, my teachers. I very often.