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I have one long-term construction project - my website. The damned procrastination has overcome and prevents me from continuing my work. And then I went to study ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy). I think it's time to test all the new techniques for yourself. At the same time, I will better understand the method, solve my problems and be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the tools. The tasks for the site have long been formulated, the structure of the changes is basically clear. All that remains is to work with the content. I did the preliminary work, collected the material in a pile and got stuck. It turns out it's not that simple. More work than I expected. Then my perfectionist began to get to the bottom of the subtleties, buried himself in details and meanings. All attempts to do anything ended in sabotage and delays. An additional obstacle was the New Year holidays. January 9 arrived. It's time to get to work. Does not work. And then there's ACT training. We studied a piece of the ACT and practiced exercises in mini groups. Over the course of two days, my sabotage was revealed layer by layer. It turned out to be 7 layers. The first layer showed that the reason was deeper than lack of time. Already on the second layer I admitted that money is an important part of my work. I saw beliefs that limit financial flow: in order to do what I like, I must first do something useful for the family; first, lessons, then play; playing will not help you earn money; playing does not bring money. On the third layer during the break I started to act. I opened a file with texts for the site and made a couple of edits to the article. The fourth layer brought the idea of ​​changing the order of actions. You can do a little different texts and it won’t be so boring. For example, write new ones and edit old ones. Initially, I wanted to process only finished articles. On the fifth layer, a story came out from a previous place of work, with this I will go to personal therapy. At the latter, we discovered the key values ​​- to be yourself, to manifest yourself as a person. It turns out that first there is an awareness of the value “for what?”, and then the action “how?” is born. A familiar truth. Thanks to my colleagues, I managed to live it and consolidate it from the inside. I reconsidered my plans. Dull adherence to the point of the plan “we need to develop the site” has changed to a conscious “I want to prove myself as an individual and a professional.” This is a different quality of action. There was support inside and a desire to move on. Surprisingly, there is a side effect. The amount of vital energy has increased, my entrepreneur has become more active inside. Clients who work with me simply require articles to be published. New clients sign up for consultations. I definitely take all the practices for myself. There are a couple more pressing issues regarding work and family. ACT can be applied to short-term and long-term problems. The method helps you understand the reasons and motives of your actions. The most pleasant thing is that the changes occur naturally, without “hey-hey”, “come on, come on” and other violence against oneself. If anyone is interested, write in a personal message, we’ll work on it. You will get advancement in business, and I will get practice. Consultation 50 minutes, 1500 rubles. I will take 5 people until January 30 to February 5.