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In order to become an independent, independent person, you must first separate yourself from your parents. Separation (lat. separation - separation) in psychology is the separation of a child from his mother (from his parents), from his family. It is the successfully completed separation, which ideally should be completed between 18 and 21 years of age, that allows a person to become an adult not only physically, but also psychologically. What distinguishes a psychologically immature person from a mature person?1. A psychologically mature person relies on himself and his strength. He does not look for support and support in another person. In relationships, what is important to him is equal partnership, and not suppression of each other. He does not look for those to blame for his failures and mistakes. It is not typical for him to blame others if something goes wrong in life. He does not fall into the position of a “victim”; he does not believe that other people owe him anything (the husband must earn money, the wife must take care of the house, parents must help with the children, etc.)2. A psychologically mature person takes responsibility for his life and everything that happens in it. He has enough resources to cope with problems on his own. He is the master and scriptwriter of his life and at the same time he does not fall into panic and despair if something goes wrong in life - he knows how to adapt to new living conditions and accept the blows of fate.3. A psychologically mature person knows how to set his own boundaries. He is not afraid to say no even to the closest people; he is primarily guided by his own interests and desires, and not by the interests and desires of other people.4. A psychologically mature person is not afraid of loneliness. He feels comfortable when he is alone with himself; he always finds something to do without the help of other people. He doesn't need to be in fusion with someone to feel good. But at the same time, he is happy to create close relationships in which there is respect for each other’s interests and opinions.5. A psychologically mature person chooses life here and now. He does not fly in the clouds, does not live with past grievances. He sets himself feasible goals and objectives, takes steps to achieve them, but at the same time remains in the present, and changing course is not a tragedy for him, because he is flexible in his decisions and internally stable.6. A psychologically mature person knows how to make choices and decisions that are determined by his interests, desires and goals. It is not typical for him to wait for years for an opportunity, to hope for favorable circumstances and manna from heaven that will someday come.7. A psychologically mature person is not afraid to make mistakes. He perceives mistakes not as failures, but as opportunities for his own growth, new experience that helps him in the future. I propose to analyze each of the above points and assess the degree of his own maturity. Answer each item with “yes” if the content is relevant to you or “no” if it is not. Sum up the results. If there are more negative answers, then there is a possibility that you have not yet separated from your parents and this is preventing you from becoming a mature adult. What, in your opinion, distinguishes a psychologically mature person from an immature one? You can sign up for a consultation with me here. If the article was useful to you, click on the Thank you button and share it on social networks.