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I don’t know whether you agree with me or not, but it seems to me that being honest is quite easy... provided, of course, that this honesty does not in any way worsen your current situation. If by telling the truth you do not risk losing your job, the respect of friends or the love of loved ones, it is not at all difficult to do so. You take and hack away at the truth. It’s a completely different matter if your sincerity (especially about yourself, and not about someone else) has a bad effect on your own reputation, leads to significant financial damage or the risk of losing a loved one. In this situation, it seems to me that few people are ready to be honest. And is it necessary? On the one hand, sincerity in relationships, for example, seems to be important. On the other hand, most unions begin with just the opposite - with marriage games, when both partners flaunt their merits and in every possible way keep silent about existing shortcomings. It is this approach, most often, that allows one-time meetings to be transformed into permanent alliances. Why, then, one might ask, does it need to be changed? Isn’t it better to try to live your whole life on created illusions? It would probably be wonderful to do that. However, practice shows that only a few succeed in this. In most cases, carefully hidden shortcomings of partners in one way or another break into reality and ruin everything. Well, people can’t be vigilant all their lives! Having broken through into reality, previously hidden shortcomings and weaknesses appear as a deliberate lie. And they lead to disappointment, suspicion and dissatisfaction on the part of the second partner. It’s a completely different matter if a person suddenly begins to admit these shortcomings himself over time. However, why did I focus on the shortcomings? Sincerity lies not only in this. It is also a confession of your fears, dreams and needs. It's also about being honest about the feelings you're experiencing. The truth about emotional reactions to one or another act of a spouse. About the hopes that we associate with him. And about the joys that we experience thanks to his words. Sincerity, it seems to me, implies that we are honest with our partner in everything. Why then is it scary for a huge number of people to talk to others about this? What could be dangerous, for example, if your spouse finds out about your dissatisfaction with her purchase? Or that you are worried about your impending old age? About the fact that you dream of waiting for her call or are looking forward to hearing how she liked yesterday’s sex with you? Why are people dishonest about this too? It seems to me that behind such fear lies the fear of encountering refusal, rudeness or indifference. After all, if, for example, your beloved girl refuses to respond to your most intimate requests, if she remains indifferent to your deepest anxieties or is irritated by your most insurmountable weaknesses, then, in fact, there is no special closeness between you, this is how it turns out ?And this means that you are alone! I think few people like to realize that they are lonely. However, there are people who not only do not like to do this - to realize. For them, the feeling of loneliness is so terrible and so unbearable that they would rather live in their illusions and live in the absence of true intimacy than allow some random truthful confession to destroy it all and bring them face to face with reality. The reality of loneliness. It is for such people that Svetlana Migacheva and I recorded a video course “Resources of Loneliness.” After completing it, those who wish can gradually learn to be their true selves - first with themselves. And after that - be honest with the other person. I don’t know about you, but this is how I imagine a happy and harmonious life for myself: Don’t hide behind a wall of insincerity, but learn to be vulnerable in front of your loved one. I wish you good luck! PS If you are interested in my thoughts on male psychology, subscribe to me (by clicking on button below) and to my telegram channel “Trefilov’s Men’s House