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Step one: observe yourself. How do you feel in the first stage of stress? What tangible changes occur in your condition and mood? How long does your first stage last? What happens to you when you lose your composure (at point “B”)? The success of building a personal stress protection program depends, first of all, on how accurately and timely you can notice that you are entering the stress “zone” and losing self-control. Step two: find ways to stop yourself. At the first stage of stress, you need to “take a break” and, through an effort of will, interrupt your destructive action. To do this:• take a break in communication (be silent for a few minutes, instead of responding with irritation to an unfair remark);• leave the room;• or move to another, distant part of the room. Step three: transfer your energy to another form of activity. Do something else that will allow you to relieve stress. If you are at work:• go through your business papers, water the flowers on the windowsill, make tea, etc.;• go out into the corridor and talk with the employees you like about neutral topics (about the weather, shopping, etc.);• go to the window and look at the sky, the trees, and the people walking down the street. Try to imagine what people passing by are thinking about; • go into the toilet room and put the palms of your hands under cold water for 2-3 minutes. Practice this “break” as often as possible in those moments when you feel that you are losing self-control in a stressful situation situations. It is important that the action of “stopping yourself” becomes a habit. Step four: think seriously about what moments in your work help you relieve stress? What makes you most happy? What do you do with passion? Try to have a little time every day for activities that bring you satisfaction and joy. Quite often, people note that water helps to quickly calm down and put their nerves in order: swimming in the pool, various water procedures - bath, shower, sauna, sauna.• It’s good if a person has some hobby that helps him relax and have fun. Some relax with their family (communication with children is especially beneficial), walk with animals. We noticed that those who feel lonely often get dogs, and those who have increased irritability love cats. In addition, men prefer to exercise car in your garage. Women love to shop.• It is important to remember to please yourself, e.g. do something that feels good from time to time.• And lastly: communicating with calm and optimistic people helps you “relieve” stress easily. Good luck to you!!!