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From the author: The program is like a program. I just found the idea itself interesting. After all, a fairy tale can really unite several ages. Any meaningful fairy tale can serve as didactic material. This program is also suitable for orphanages and sanatoriums, hospitals - that is, where it is necessary to conduct developmental activities with a group of children of different ages. “Playing with a fairy tale” Correctional and developmental program for children in orphanages and boarding schools 5-8 years old Compiled by: Mineev G.E. In Ufaley - 2003 - Explanatory note In modern orphanages for orphans who practice multi-age and multi-sex gradation of family groups, which does not depend on the state of intelligence of the pupils, a teacher-psychologist often faces the problem of integration in group activities of children different ages, different levels of development of mental processes involved in cognitive activity, subject to differentiation of one’s own efforts in relation to the contribution to the development of each specific child. In other words, how could one unite in one lesson: a pupil studying in grades 1-2 primary comprehensive school; and a student pupil in the primary grades of a special correctional school; and a pupil attending the preparatory group of a kindergarten for children with mental retardation - constituting, practically, a reference group, and therefore an emotionally comfortable group for the work of a teacher-psychologist? Such a group in the work of a teacher-psychologist is interesting primarily because it is carried out between children direct exchange of information, sensations, experiences, judgments, and younger or intellectually retarded children see direct guidelines in terms of the abilities of older and intellectually developed children. And, therefore, in such classes it is natural to “sharpen” achievement motivation, which can have a beneficial effect on efficiency application of the program as a whole. It is necessary to determine only that structuring link of classes, that information unit that would be accessible to quite multifaceted, different children, age range 5-8 years, and which could be interpreted by them from the position of the level of individual mental development. A fairy tale can serve as such a unit. In this program - a Russian folk tale. You can play with a fairy tale! Draw and color your favorite characters, remember and explain Russian proverbs, write and solve crossword puzzles, solve riddles and puzzles, evaluate the behavior of heroes, learn to write the names of heroes and much, much more. Classes can be very diverse, with multidirectional selections of tasks, which determines differentiated approach to the implementation of the program. Does the child like to play? Does the child like fairy tales? Wonderful! Why not turn a fairy tale into an exciting educational game that will develop your child's logic and intelligence, imagination and memory? Let's try it? Goal: To promote the development of mental processes involved in the child’s cognitive activity (memory, attention, thinking, perception, imagination, fine motor skills). Correction of emotional development through art therapeutic techniques of psychological influence. Objectives: Formation of the ability to recognize one’s own personal qualities and the qualities of other people , through the evaluative perception of fairy tale heroes. Formation of an evaluative perception of one’s own behavior and the behavior of other people through assessment of the behavior of fairy tale heroes. Formation of a positive emotional perception of one’s own activities (art therapy) Activation of mental processes involved in cognitive activity. Formation of stability of achievement motivation. Expected result: Increasing the child's educational capabilities. Increasing the stability of achievement motivation. Increasing the ability to evaluatively perceive one's own behavior and the behavior of other people. Form of work: Group; group occupancy 4-5Human. Methods: - Reproductive - Trial-search - Heuristic - Art therapy Form of control: - observation - analysis of the products of activity Efficiency: the implementation of the content of this program is determined by the degree of change in the monitoring indicators of the development of mental processes for each child. The effectiveness of the implementation of the content of the program in the institution as a whole is determined the percentage ratio of positive and negative dynamic changes in monitoring indicators of the development of mental processes in the total number of children participating in the program. Practical guidance and monitoring of the effectiveness of the implementation of a correctional and developmental program. Conditions: - optimal age 6-8 years; - optimal group of 4 people; - continuity of “passing” the program: 1-2 times a week; - lesson time 1-1.5 hours. Monitoring: A psychologist implementing this program, or any other aimed at promoting the development of mental processes involved in cognitive activity, is offered a 4-point scale for assessing the development and practical application of a child’s mental process: 1 point - obvious functional disorders in the development of mental process, relative to age. 2 points – possible functional disorders in the development and use of the mental process by the child. 3 points – some violations of the operational side of the use of the mental process. 4 points – absence of developmental disorders of the mental process relative to age. Fractional assessments are appropriate (2.5; 3.3; etc.) The assessment is convected into the school “20-80” when using the coefficient “20” to correlate with the level of personal development; with the level of general development for monitoring the institution’s PMPc. Assessment factors Perception - Syntheticity; - Dynamics of perception; - Accuracy of perception; - Presence of thresholds of spatial discrimination; - Emotionality of perception (positivism, negativism). Memory: - Visual, auditory, tactile. - Motor, emotional, figurative, verbal. - Short-term, long-term, operational. - Involuntary, voluntary. - Speed ​​of memorization. - Durability of storage. - Mobilization readiness for reproduction. - Volume and accuracy of memorization. - Confidence of playback. Attention: - Selectivity, volume, distribution, concentration, stability, switchability. Thinking: Assessing the functional side: - establishing universal relationships; - understanding the essence of a specific phenomenon as a variety of a certain class of phenomena; Assessment of the operational side: - analysis, synthesis, abstraction, comparison, generalization; - depth of thinking, independence, flexibility, criticality, speed of thinking. Imagination: Assessment of the functional side: - representation of reality in images and the ability to use them; - regulation of emotional relationships; - voluntary regulation of cognitive processes; - formation of an internal plan of action; - planning and programming of activities. Assessment of the operational side of the imagination: - agglutination, hyperbolization (emphasis), sharpening, schematization, typification. - Imagery of the recreating imagination (reciprocity of signaling systems), reflexive capabilities, the ability to interpolate and extrapolate (high and low probability assumptions), the ability to foresee events and their emotional experiences, subordination of the present to promising goals. Will: Assessment of the functional side: - choice of motives and goals; - regulation of the impulse to action with insufficient or excessive motivation; - organization of mental processes into an adequate system of actions performed by a person; - mobilization of mental and physical capabilities when overcoming obstacles in