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From the author: Written for Mom's Page: Sometimes lunch time becomes a real battlefield between a child and his parent. This problem usually worsens at 2-3 years of age, but, in fact, has very deep roots and begins with complementary feeding. The psychological meaning of complementary feeding is to help the child develop food interest and proper eating behavior. It is precisely the lack of food interest that entails most of the problems in the future. The most optimal age for complementary feeding is 6 months. But the baby’s acquaintance with the process of eating should happen earlier. It is a very good tradition when the whole family gathers at the table. It gathers not only for celebrations, but every day, at least during dinner. From the very beginning, the baby gets used to the fact that meals take place at the table, and that this happens with the use of special objects. He may even ask for a spoon and a plate so he can repeat after the adults. Allow him to look, touch, and twirl the kitchen utensils. As a result, by the time complementary feeding is introduced, the baby’s food interest is already actively developing, and he reacts with great enthusiasm to his mother’s offer to try something new. But do not forget to also focus on such signs as: the extinction of the ejection reflex, the weight after birth has doubled, and if the child is premature, it has tripled, the child does not eat enough of the formula, or breastfeeding becomes more frequent. When the time comes for complementary feeding, do not feed your baby alone or separately. Pull the chair up to the table or pick it up. Review the regime so that the baby eats in the company of at least one family member. Therefore, it is important not to stuff the child, trying to give him the required norm, but to introduce him to the new taste, smell, texture, process and culture of food consumption. At the same time, there is no need to encourage playing with food, throwing food around, or pampering at the table. Food is a value, it might not exist, and the child must gradually begin to understand this. It is important to encourage your child to eat independently. When your baby asks for a spoon, give it to him. Let him also try to wield it. Yes, this brings unnecessary trouble, but it is better to spend time now than later to sort things out with an already big child, so that he eats himself, without whims, eats carefully, and generally does something himself. You can give the spoon to your baby and feed him with a second spoon if he doesn't mind. If the baby gets dirty, it's okay. Maybe he will help himself with his hands. It is also worth going through this stage. The main thing is that you try to get it into your mouth, and not throw the porridge at the wall. On the Internet you can find two concepts: pedagogical and pediatric complementary feeding. But, in fact, there is only one correct complementary feeding. That's what it's called - complementary feeding. Complementary foods must be introduced physiologically and psychologically correctly, and then it does not matter what you call it. This complementary feeding should be carried out, among other things, according to the rules that I wrote about above. In addition, you need to take into account the physiological characteristics of the child. It is normal for a 6 month old baby to eat pureed food. This does not create unnecessary stress on the stomach and intestines. Raw vegetables in the form of pieces, on the contrary, injure the child’s gastrointestinal tract. Gradually, the food becomes thicker, from puree it turns into soft small pieces. Only by the age of one year can you stop preparing food for the transitional period and transfer the baby to a common table. It is optimal to start complementary feeding with porridge, but if the child is gaining weight very well, then you can also start with vegetables. You can start with porridge earlier if the child is on mixed feeding and then it makes sense to replace a certain amount of the mixture with porridge. But start introducing porridge no earlier than 4 months. The most allergenic product is cow's milk protein. Milk and products containing cow protein are introduced much later and very carefully. Not earlier than a year, and perhaps even later if the child is prone to allergies. Fish is also introduced only at 11-12 months..