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About the value of resources. To satisfy our needs, we need resources. Resources can be different:✔️Time✔️Money ✔️Information/knowledge✔️Our experience✔️Collective unconscious (or in other words: the experience of others around us people)✔️Help that other people can offer us. But the most important resource is OUR internal resource. This is our energy. Our emotional, mental and physical abilities. This is our energy that we spend on something. This internal resource is spent not only on work, but also on all other areas of our lives, including the thoughts we think, the emotions we experience, even when we are just talking with another person, or just having dinner or riding the subway. energy is wasted on all this. I want you to always know this and always calculate it. Distribute your energy correctly and spend it on your priority desires. We also understood our reserves, were aware of them, and listened to them. Like all resources, our internal resources are also running out. At this moment, a person says: “I don’t have the strength.” And then it is necessary to replenish these resources. How can you fill them? Below 👇 are several tools to help fill your resources. ✍️8 hours sleep. ✍️ Maintaining the daily routine. ✍️Exercise, massage or any physical work, not mental. ✍️Be in nature, in the fresh air, and not think about anything.✍️Any favorite creativity, favorite activity, hobby, passion.✍️Psychotherapy. Or any other therapy. Reminder for anxious people. Anxious people spend much more effort on anything than non-anxious people. In addition to their abilities, knowledge, skills and abilities, they spend enormous energy on their emotion of anxiety. Therefore, I would recommend, in this case, to take on only as much as you can handle. Remember that energy reserves are always limited, and you need to accept your special trait and create special conditions for rest and relaxation..