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Yesterday I was smart and that's why I wanted to change the world. Today I have become wise, and therefore I am changing myself. When the long-established background of the surrounding space collapses in the usual context, questions of habitual stability, clarity and stability are necessarily raised and a reaction of excessive force always arises. This is an explosion of disagreement with a changing reality. When reality changes without your consent. These may be reactions associated with a basic sense of security, or they may be fears associated with ideological views. Everyone experiences this state differently: from distancing themselves, running, freezing, or attacking. Feelings from within periodically flood and replace each other, and it is important to know that this process is normal in a given period and that it is not endless and will pass. In situations of threat to the usual way of life, such a socio-psychological phenomenon as polarization arises. This is splitting inside, this is an internal simplification of what is happening and the need, as in childhood, to divide into good and evil. White-black, it was-it was. But such a division is only the most primitive way of trying to cope. The world is structured in the image of a matryoshka doll and the deeper you look at what is happening, the more knowledge! rather than streaming information you can get and form your most complete picture. At the same time, you should not look for justice in kitchen disputes , stand up for your personal truth on the couch with friends if their truth is different from yours. This can only intensify the experiences of you and your friends, lead you into a dead end and leave you alone. But it’s worth paying attention to the fact that everyone’s vision may be different or try to look for common points of contact. You need to learn to live with the loss of your usual understanding of life, all breathing techniques and slowing down practices, digital hygiene and, of course, walks in the fresh air will contribute to this. Everyone great change is preceded by chaos. Deepak Chopra. In every change, in every fallen leaf there is both pain and beauty. And that's how new leaves grow.