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Link to audio recording of the article https://www.b17.ru/media/68319/?prt=832171 A fairly common phenomenon in the dream world is recurring dreams. They are easy to remember, since their content is extremely unusual, attracts emotionally, causing curiosity, surprise, fear, anxiety, and sometimes even admiration and pleasure. All dreams, to a certain extent, come as echoes of immediate life situations at turning points, decisive moments in our reality. Recurring dreams appear as a warning, foreshadowing something serious, and indicate that we did not see the dream plot. Such dreams must be treated with trust, close attention and given great importance, since the unconscious twice, three times or more tries to convey to us something that remains incomprehensible the first time, but is very important here and now. Expressive, regularly recurring, recurring dreams arise after severe trauma, drama at the center of a person’s psychological life and indicate some important event in the future. The recurring plot of a dream may change throughout life depending on the development of the individual and the presence of some unresolved internal conflict. Such dreams can come to us at short intervals, and sometimes constantly. Cases have been recorded in which a person had the same dream from childhood to adulthood. As a child, when reassuring us, our parents said: “It’s just a dream, it doesn’t mean anything, you’re overtired, you’ve seen enough cartoons,” etc. Here it is possible to play the same situation over and over again, to recreate characters, images, external settings and even feelings. It is important to take a close look at the structure of the memory itself, because it contains an encrypted message, the assimilation of which occurs after the release of blocked energy and the disappearance of fears. The interesting thing is that as soon as we correctly interpret the meaning of a recurring dream, its energy is transformed, and the given theme, sometimes in several variations, will no longer visit us. Unraveling the symbolism of a dream makes it possible to clearly see the situation and come to the desired result. It is enough to trust your unconscious and follow its advice. Recurring dreams can be individually unique, or they can occur among different people with a similar storyline. Such as driving a car, taking an exam, going to the toilet, being chased by an animal or other creature. Driving a car, loss of control, and fear experienced may indicate issues of self-esteem, sexual desire, and self-control. Who drives the car (sometimes, no one at all)? How is driving done? Where does the dreamer sit? What feelings does he have? Passing an exam is accompanied by the plot of being late, failing, forgetting exam questions, haste, and unpreparedness. Very often, such dreams indicate anxiety about how the dreamer appears in the eyes of others, or a fear of not meeting his role in society: “Am I a good leader?”, “Can I do my job well?”, “Are I ready?” Am I ready for changes in life? Dreams about going to the toilet usually boil down to an endless search for it and a series of misunderstandings that occur at the moment when we are trying to satisfy our needs. Such dreams can speak of a desire to pour out one’s soul, to free oneself, to unload oneself from experiences, and sometimes about shame and the inability to hold one’s thoughts. Dreams about persecution are usually remembered very easily, since they contain disturbing material and are perceived by us as nightmares. A bright plot, a compelling plot, an unexpected climax, a storm of emotions - all this indicates that a separate article should be devoted to the topic of nightmares. This is what I will do in the next publication. In conclusion, I want to say that if we “look” into our unconscious a little more often, we can find something that will guide