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On the outskirts of the old city, in a small wooden house at the end of the street that overlooked the river, lived old lady Bol. She lived alone. On her household she had a dog, a cat, and a rooster. The farm is simple, but each has its own character. The cat liked to sleep on the stove until lunch, and at night he went hunting, caught mice, and came home in the morning. The dog guarded the house and was very proud of his service - he did not allow strangers into the house, he got up early - as soon as the sun rose. The rooster had his own service - his ringing “crow” was instead of a clock. In the morning the rooster crowed - the cat knew that it was time to go home, Pain - woke up from sleep, the dog - was getting ready to have breakfast. That's how they lived. Every day Pain went to work. She loved her job. Pain's job was to help people stay alive. In those moments when it became especially difficult for a person, physically or mentally, Pain came to the rescue and took on all the stress. Of course, the person felt pain at that moment. He wanted to get rid of her as quickly as possible. But with her help, he lived through the crisis and unpleasant moments of his body or his soul. Pain acted as a cry for the body, a signal of danger, and at the same time gave the person feedback about his condition. And thus saved a person’s life. When the pain subsided, the person understood that the crisis was over, and a new stage in his life was beginning. Bol considered her mission to be very important and necessary, although not easy. One day she had to rush to the aid of a boy who had broken his leg while bungee jumping into a river. The jump was unsuccessful. The boy hit hard against a stone that was hidden under water. When the boy tried to get to his feet, he screamed in pain and burst into tears. And at some point he shouted: “It hurts! I hate pain and I want it to go away!” Pain looked into the boy’s eyes and saw a lot of grief, despair and hatred there. And she left. When she arrived home, to her surprise, no one came out to meet her. The cat went for a walk. The rooster was rummaging through the dung heap in search of worms. And even the dog, who usually ran to meet her with his tail wagging, was now dozing in his booth. Bolya was very anxious in her soul, and for good reason. And at this time the following happened at the boy’s house. The boy lay silently and indifferently on the bed, on the edge of which the doctor sat and looked worriedly at the boy, then at the x-ray he was holding in his hand. The picture clearly showed a fracture. Worried parents stood nearby. The boy's leg was already in a cast and hanging in the air on a special device. The doctor worriedly repeated in a low voice, turning to the parents: “I don’t understand why there is no pain. There had to be pain. Pain is a healthy response of the body to injury. It helps the body mobilize and recover. This worries me very much. This is pathology. There’s definitely something wrong with a body that doesn’t experience pain in response to such serious damage...” The doctor said something else, the parents became sad, and tears appeared in the boy’s mother’s eyes. Meanwhile, Pain, having arrived home, found no place for herself. At first she thought she was simply overtired. She lay down on the sofa, but she couldn’t sleep. She decided to drink tea, but had no appetite. Pain went out into the yard, walked around the garden - and suddenly realized that she was very worried. Worried about the boy whom she left at the river today. She walked very quickly, almost ran, towards his house. Entering the apartment, Pain realized from the threshold that she had made it on time. The doctor once again carefully looked at the photo, looked into the boy’s eyes, and began to feel his leg with his hands. “Oh,” the boy suddenly screamed loudly. And the doctor suddenly smiled: “Well, everything is fine. “I was already scared,” he said, turning to his parents. And he reassured the boy: “Now everything will be fine. And the pain will soon subside.” The doctor got ready to go home. After he left, Pain also decided that it was time for her. When she approached the house, all the household members came out!»