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In this day and age, only the lazy don’t talk about interactions with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). Specialists are trained to identify PTSD symptoms, qualify them, and work with trauma through various methods. But this article will not talk about the treatment of existing manifestations of the disorder, but about their prevention. First, it is necessary to determine what an emergency situation (emergency situation) is for an individual. According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the protection of the population and territory from natural and man-made emergency situations” character" No. 68-FZ dated December 21, 1994: "An emergency is a situation in a certain territory that has arisen as a result of an accident, a dangerous natural phenomenon, a catastrophe, the spread of a disease that poses a danger to others, a natural or other disaster that may lead or has caused entails human casualties, damage to human health or the environment, significant material losses and disruption of people’s living conditions.” From the point of view of the occurrence of mental adverse reactions, the main role is played not only by the emergency itself, but rather by how the individual perceives, interprets and experiences this event. Thus, an emergency is an event that affects people’s lives and can cause not only physical damage to a person, but also bring psychological consequences. If we talk about the individual, such damage is called trauma, and the event is called traumatic. In the case when an emergency is of extreme significance for the individual, and the experience of it exceeds the individual compensatory mental resources, then various mental disorders may arise. For the first time, attention was paid to the development of such disorders back during World War II. And at the same time, the first attempts at debriefing were made. The main goal was to normalize the abnormal reactions of people who took part in hostilities, which led to the ability to survive the situation and move on with their lives. This formed the basis of modern debriefing. Currently, the method is effectively used when working with people who have experienced: military operations, disasters of various types, terrorist attacks, natural disasters and other emergencies. The definition of debriefing was given by the American psychologist John Mitchell in 1983: Debriefing is a means of correcting mental states and behavior of people who have experienced traumatic stress or witnessed a traumatic incident. What is important to know about debriefing: - this is not therapy, but the prevention of possible psychological consequences of an emergency experience; - it can be group and individual, but it is most effective when working in a group of people who have experienced the same thing Emergency; - aimed at understanding the nature of traumatic stress, mastering ways to overcome it and preventing the occurrence of negative symptoms of experiencing an emergency. The main goal of debriefing is to reduce the severity of psychological consequences after experiencing stress. Tasks that debriefing allows you to solve: - elaboration and living of impressions, sensations and reactions to an emergency; - reduction of personal or group tension; - normalization of the emergency participants’ own reactions; - learning how to find the meaning of personal experience by understanding events and personal reactions; - informing and preparing for possible experiences and reactions that may arise subsequently; - searching for and discussing ways of self-help in the future, discussing methods of self-care and informing participants about which organizations they can turn to for help in the future. And, perhaps, the main task of the debriefing is to make the participant feel that he is not alone in the situation, he has support, support and resources to survive this experience. In turn, I can say from the point of view of a practicing psychologist conducting debriefing that this method is perfectly applicable at different stages of a traumatic situation. It works well both with a fresh injury and after a while. Particular danger after experiencing an emergency +79990688860.