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Good afternoon! Today I want to say a few words on one important and quite common topic in practice - about non-acceptance/dislike of your body. In this article I will outline the main reasons for the emergence of such self-perception and how it manifests itself in life. If you recognize yourself in something, I recommend that you at least think about it, and even better, work through it in personal therapy with a specialist. By and large, there are not so many reasons for not loving your body. In general, three main ones can be distinguished: 1.incorrect attitude of the mother towards the child’s physicality (starting from the pre-verbal period of life); 2.transmitted super-value of bodily aesthetics in the media, social networks and even in the family; 3.tendency to hyper-control. Let's try understand each point in a little more detail... 1. The first reason is related to the manifestation of the maternal figure in the child’s gender. For quite a long time, the child identifies the mother as a part of himself, and accordingly, any mother’s reactions are associated exclusively with himself, his behavior and manifestation (that is, what he is like). Thus, if a baby reads a facial expression of disgust on the mother’s face (for example, when the mother changes a diaper), then it is recorded that there is something wrong with him, so the mother is unpleasant to look at him. As if he is somehow not the way he should be, so his universe in the person of his mother is dissatisfied with him. To consolidate such a sense of self, words are not needed at all. This is quite enough for the deep-seated feelings of guilt and shame to take hold and influence the child’s future life. Those who had cold, distant or rude mothers, as well as those who compared them with other children, are also prone to not accepting their physicality ( and, of course, not in favor of your own child). Also vulnerable are those in whose family it was not customary to discuss the bodily transformations characteristic of puberty. 2. The super value of bodily aesthetics, which can be transmitted not only through the media, but also in the family. Subsequently, this attitude can be pathologized to a phobic state of possible loss of beauty and, as a consequence, self-worth. Most often, such girls, when they grow up, are very afraid of childbearing for fear of losing attractiveness. 3. The desire to control everything. This point is most often characteristic of those who grew up and are in destructive families or in codependent relationships. The inability to influence family members (parents or partner) often leads to obsessive control over one's own weight and a picky perception of one's physicality. That is, aggression, due to the inability to be directly realized, unfolds and is directed towards oneself and one’s body. After all, bodily changes are much easier to control than, for example, the use of a partner, isn’t it?))) Signs of non-acceptance of your body include: - criticism of any parts of the body; - an egocentric position in which there is a belief that everyone is looking only at them and they see some kind of flaw (something that a person is worried about). By the way, often this flaw is exaggerated or completely far-fetched and has nothing to do with the person’s real appearance; - excessive narcissism, or, conversely, total ignorance of mirror surfaces and avoidance of photography; - excessive passion for sports and PP; - studying information about plastic surgery without indications for this purpose. Failure to accept your physicality can significantly spoil your life and prevent you from fully expressing yourself in different areas of life. Therefore, if you feel that the topic is very close to you and would like to start treating yourself with more acceptance and love, then I invite you to therapy . I propose to see from my own experience how much psychology can work wonders even in the topic of figure, weight and acceptance of the body and oneself in general 😉________________________ To sign up for a consultation, write to Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp at +375293825796.