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I will not discover America now if I say that you receive as much as you give. It doesn’t matter what it is: money, love, attention, care, time... It seemed easiest to me to approach these processes of receiving and giving through the topic of money, which is understandable to everyone. The process of receiving money is always connected with relationships with people. After all, someone always gives me money (and not only money): the organization in which I work and pays my salary, clients who pay for my services or goods, husband, parents, children when they become adults and help their parents when they become old and infirm. What influences the process of receiving (anything) from the World, from other people?1. What and how much I give.2. Demand for what I can give (is what I give to others needed?)3. The value of what I give (do I myself value what I give?) Do others value it, or devalue it? 4. Can the one to whom I give accept (after all, if he cannot accept, then I cannot either give it).5. Who do I give to?6. How do I give? (the process and form of my giving).7. From what state am I giving (from Excess or Deficit)?8. Do I want to give or should I, or is it necessary..?9. Am I taught to give or is this question not facing me (everyone owes me, is obligated to me)10. Do I accept myself as a giver? If in your life there was a negative or traumatic experience of the process of Giving, then there will be difficulties with Receiving (money, mutual love, attention, recognition, etc. I will give this example: difficulties with self-realization, low income, very small sales, lack of demand - were a consequence of the fact that in childhood, and throughout life, there was such a long-term experience: the mother did not accept any individual manifestations or care for her, devalued, ignored the very fact that you can do something, and what you can do is good, beautiful, smart, worthy, that you like it, that it’s worth something, not to mention that it’s expensive to her - dear to her heart, what! a child does this, he can do this! If you do not restore these “gaps” in the life experience of the process of giving to this client, then no marketing can help. In cases where in childhood it was not possible to give: the whole World, in the person of significant adults people, was for such a child only a giver, anticipating all desires, then such a child, becoming an adult, can only demand, make claims or be offended. In essence, one becomes addicted. And the ways addicts get something from the World are through manipulation, deception, use, or they end up in various games of addicted people. They don’t know how to do it any other way, they don’t know how. There is no opportunity to be yourself as you are, there is no opportunity to be an adult and responsible for your life. Accordingly, they give the World only claims, demands and problems. And what you give is what you get! There is a lot more to talk about on this topic, but I wanted to focus only on the processes of receiving and giving and how disruptions in contact with others in these processes affect whether you have enough money, whether you are in demand as a man, as a woman, as a specialist, are you happy, are you satisfied with the quality of your life?..... .