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I am a practicing family harmony coach. Who is this? A person who helps those who want to create harmonious relationships in the family: between spouses, between children, between children and parents. Harmony is when there is trust and understanding in the family. When there is no need to deceive or hide, people will understand and support you. When everyone can be themselves and this does not infringe, but only enriches others. When everyone's failure is a reason to help, support, share. And everyone’s success is a reason for joy and pride! One of the most frequent requests from my clients is: “Something is wrong with my child (behaves badly, can’t cope with lessons, can’t improve relationships with others, lies, offends someone) -then the teacher or other adults complain about him, etc.) "And the emotions that adults bring with them are far from desired. This includes shame (What kind of parent am I if my child is like this?), and resentment (I do so much for him, but he doesn’t care...), and anger (I don’t want to see him anymore!) and many others . Living in such a world is not easy, that’s why they ask for help. At the moment when emotions overwhelm you in a wave. In such a situation, a simple technique often helps. I call it: "Reach for your star." What star are we talking about? Maybe about Polyarnaya? Of course not! I'm talking about the Milton Erickson star. As you know, it has 5 rays - simple and at the same time complex truths. Milton Erickson stated that ALL PEOPLE:1. good as they are; 2. already have all the resources to achieve success; 3. always make the best choice for themselves at the moment; 4. have positive intentions behind every action;5. With every choice they change in one direction or another - changes are inevitable! How will they reach their star? “Try on” all these simple truths first for yourself, and then for your child. Believe that YOU are good just the way you are, have all the resources to succeed, always make the best choices for yourself today, have positive intentions and change in the direction you choose. The same goes for your child! Just say these few phrases. And feel how they respond inside... How the picture of the world changes! How inner strength awakens and new opportunities open up! Reaching for a star is not always the solution to all problems. But it’s always easier and faster to reach your goal when a star illuminates your path and warms you with its light.!