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At the reception, client Marina, 23 years old, has not worked anywhere for more than a year, does not study, and practically does not leave the house. Her mother brought her because the girl experiences attacks of dizziness, fear that she will become ill and is afraid of fainting. It is known that the other side of fear is aggression. The power of fear is equal to the power of aggression. But the aggression is so suppressed that the client himself cannot realize it. As a rule, the most taboo, “forbidden by the psyche” aggression is aggression against parents. Why is it taboo? Because parents once, most often at a very early age, showed the child that being angry with parents is dangerous and shameful. After this, aggression is so repressed into the depths of the unconscious that it is not realized. Sometimes, breaking out towards the parent, he immediately “fuses” with a feeling of unbearable guilt: “How can I be angry with my parents! They gave me life!” and so on. And here it’s not far from accidental self-punishment: fractures, bruises, burns. “No, really,” the psyche thinks, than such stress, better this aggression again into the “dungeons” of the unconscious!” But aggression, as an instinctive vital force, does not disappear anywhere! Now she will manifest herself through a symptom - in this case, through panic. Let's return to Marina. In the early stages of psychotherapy, Marina’s memories of childhood are the most positive. The father figure attracts attention. For some time, Marina talks about her father only about how he loved her and spoiled her. There is no more special information, especially since her father passed away a year ago. After a while, Marina begins to reveal details of her feelings for her father: this is fear of her father, of his criticism and justifying him, that with his criticism he only wanted to make her better and wished her well. The good news was that she began to look at her father from different angles and allowed herself to talk about him and her feelings for him. At the same time, she began to come to sessions on her own, unaccompanied. A lot of time and internal mental work passed, and Marina “brought” anger at her father to the session and admitted that finally, “I ALLOWED MYSELF TO EXPERIENCE AGGRESSION AGAINST MY FATHER AND EVEN RAGE FOR THE HUMILIATIONS AND CRITICISM TO WHICH HE SUBJECTED ME.” Work with Marina continues, there are other topics to be worked on related to the father figure - relationships with men, choice of path, self-esteem, but the panic attacks have subsided. Now Marina can calmly walk around the city with her friends, stay at home alone and enjoy life! If parents allow their child to express anger at themselves, the child understands that the parents can stand it and still love him. He understands that his parents accept him in all sorts of ways: both in the mood and without the mood. In the child’s psyche, self-acceptance also occurs, integration of one’s shadow aspects of personality and its integrity is strengthened. This will give him vitality in the future. For some, this may seem like a paradox, but modern advances in depth psychology confirm this! "The Seven Deadly Sins of Parenthood" A book about the main mistakes of parents that can affect the fate of a child