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The state of delirium, as a consequence of the survival of a depressed psyche in the process of recovery from love illnesses. Every self-respecting person has heard the phrase: “The salvation of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves.” Now we will not delve into the reasons for the drowning situation. It is banal and simple - love comes and goes, and tomorrow must come for those who know how to swim, and for those who are not afraid to jump from a tower, and for those who only enter the water ankle-deep and even for those who contemplate the swimmers on the shore. Love is a rather strange substance, considered in all centuries, by all sciences, by every self-respecting sage, but has not yet been studied by anyone. In addition to ecstasy, joy and inspiration it brings a lot negative hassles. Of course, there is also the age imprint of the lovers, the degree of their education, financial status, gender characteristics, sexual preferences, physical maturation, psychological maturity, social status and many other aspects. One thing remains unchanged for everyone - suffering after the “end”. The types of reactions to the death of beauty and the degree of their intensity, the options for exit and the time spent on recovery largely depend on the psychotype of the sufferer. Of course, the “format of the end” matters. In our everyday life, it often takes on an elementary and all-accessible version of betrayal. The level of psychological, emotional, physical, spiritual damage is always purely individual, we are always not predictable. The role of the “dead” here is not only love itself, but also the victim, the devotee. Girls and boys, men and women, old people and women alike experience such love suffering. old women. With one caveat, in the case of not going through age-related crises, getting stuck in a teenage perception of the world and oneself, this process is delayed, aggravated, little understood, and can lead to suicide. Such a victim, an ungrown adult, in his grief may seem to us possessed. This feeling will be very persistent both in communication with creative, gifted people, and with those whose threshold of sensitivity, receptivity, and vulnerability is too high. But we will be right. Immediately after the “end”, acute grief and the process of mourning enters into full force. And in the acute period, naked, painful, crushing, in a state of obsession, it is impossible to see, hear, feel anything except your pain. The “dead” completely unconsciously enters a state characterized by impaired cognitive function, clouding of consciousness and disorientation, which are reversible when the causes are eliminated (delirium). This makes me happy. But it takes time. Some psychologists believe that the time of grief is equal to half of what we have experienced together. A year of beautiful-smelling love will be equal to six months of swallowing crap. We remember that everything is very individual. One will wash away a bleeding wound with tears, the other will dive into the arms of the next hero of his novel. During the acute period Grief, delirium can become a faithful companion, and often the only one! This condition can be extremely difficult with a sudden manifestation of confusion, with rapidly developing symptoms, an undulating course, with impaired thinking, judgment, hallucinations, disorientation in time, space, one’s own personality. Example . The route to a given point is described to you in detail, everything is absolutely simple. You listen carefully, look into the eyes, smile, nod, understand, remember and go to the wrong place and not as much as necessary. And this will be repeated several times and for several days. There are predisposing factors factors in the development of mental confusion that are virtually uncorrectable, and precipitating factors that provide an opportunity for therapeutic intervention. We won’t stop there now, because we’re not writing a dissertation. Taking several drugs at the same time, especially in combination with psychotropic and opioid drugs, any kind of intoxication, dehydration,malnutrition will aggravate the condition. There is an interesting observation about food intake. Taste perception decreases, sometimes disappears altogether. Even if you pour half the peppercorns and hodgepodge into a plate, you won’t feel the taste. Even if you drink a bottle of wine in one person, you won’t get drunk. Even if you drink a few sedatives at night, you won’t fall asleep. In addition to the spiritual martyr’s questioning: “Why?!”, “Why?!”, “How can this be done?!”, the physical body will turn on. More correctly, it will turn off, because under acute stress the brain is trying to survive, it will block the work of individual organs and systems. The period of sleep and wakefulness will be disrupted, drowsiness during the day, worsening symptoms at night, restless dreams, nightmares, which, upon awakening, can continue and find confirmation and embodiment in the surrounding reality. Metabolic disorders, dizziness will remove the ground from under your feet. The clinical classification of delirium depends on the characteristics of disorders in the motor sphere and in the pattern of behavior. This may be a hyperactive type with symptoms of motor restlessness, which has an unfocused, chaotic tint, or a hypoactive type with lethargy, in a lying position, or a mixed type, with alternating lethargy with chaotic agitation. Anyone will be unbearable. A consciousness confused by love can turn, and successfully turns, a former happy winner into an insolvent, inadequate, pathetic and funny loser. A high probability of progressive cognitive decline will take effect with a violation of critical thinking and attitude to the situation. The ability to contact the environment will be impaired. reality, living beings. The questions asked will be misunderstood or not understood at all. Obtaining information from the “dead” himself will become extremely difficult, emotionally charged, unbearable for the faint of heart. Concentration of attention, the ability to direct, focus, support and switch it will decrease. There is a fairly terrible case where a person in this state forgot that he was measuring his body temperature, fell asleep under the influence of a psychotropic drug, crushed a mercury thermometer with his body, and miraculously remained alive. The presence of people in the house saved him. It will become completely impossible to concentrate on one task or daily activity. This is torture in which it is impossible to work, to function. Sometimes for a long time. In the absence of acute neurological symptoms, incoherent speech may appear, details and events will be confused, there will be no logic in what is said, continuous repetitions. Cognition disorder will manifest itself in the form of distortion of perception, illusions, hallucinations, mainly visual, disturbance of abstract thinking and understanding with or without transient delirium, impaired immediate reproduction and memory of recent events, disorientation in time. Psychomotor disorders of hypo- or hyperactivity will frighten the environment with their unpredictability of transition from one state to another, increased or decreased flow of speech, and reactions of horror. Emotional disorders will be noted : depression, anxiety, fears, irritability, euphoria, apathy or bewilderment and confusion. Cognitive status will change throughout the day with attacks of aggression in the first few days. Perception of oneself and the surrounding reality will be disrupted, an insane feeling of loss and unmotivated anxiety will appear. The surrounding reality will not be perceived objectively and will often be frightening. Delirium leads to an inevitable deterioration in social functioning, an increase in the volume and difficulty of carrying out simple life support. What is it better for you, a loving and suffering person, to remember? Don’t spit in my face, just listen! - This condition will pass !-You will survive!-Everything that is happening now is normal!You are not going crazy!-Don’t be silent, don’t be alone, you definitely can’t handle it alone! Look for help! - There will be a painful, aggressive, touchy state: “You don’t understand me!!!” - Now neither you nor others can understand you. - You are cut off from))