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“A person is a realized thought. A man is what he thinks." Paracelsus In previous articles, I wrote about the dangers of stress based on anxiety and panic states, about the harm of these states to our immune system and the ability to make important decisions, to take necessary actions in complex, daily changing conditions of the epidemiological situation, in conditions of economic threats, threats to your health and life itself. I also suggested several self-help techniques for acute panic conditions. In this article I will focus on self-help for less acute, but at the same time long-lasting, intense, debilitating feelings of anxiety and fear of the future. In our conditions, when on TV and the Internet most experts predict ruin for entrepreneurs, rising unemployment, crisis and recession in the economy, it is difficult to maintain calm and a “cold” mind. I assume that now many people are in a state of fear and anxiety before a possible, but not yet occurred, “terrible” event: ruin, loss of a job, loss of the family’s usual source of income. The technique that I will offer is well suited specifically for removing such fears before the onset of possible but not yet occurred events, virtual “mammoths” that may not yet occur... In this article I offer a self-help technique that I have successfully used in his practice of psychological counseling and psychotherapy. I suggest that when you find that you feel such fear and cannot cope with it, take a piece of paper, a pen and think: exactly what are you afraid of. Write a story where a terrible event has already happened, you are broke, lost your job, but have no savings, in fact, the event that you fear most... Then describe the story of how you minimize the consequences, go to the labor exchange, take a temporary job as a taxi driver, rent out an apartment, move to a dacha, dig up and plant a vegetable garden, sell something... Upon careful consideration, most likely, there will be an opportunity to provide yourself and your family with the minimum necessary during the economic crisis and the search for new sources of cash income. After writing this story, crumple up a piece of paper and throw it in the trash, set it on fire in your imagination and watch it burn. If possible, burn it in a safe, specially equipped place. The fact is that you are not all in fear, only part of you is afraid, so for this part of yourself write this story about how you will act in the conditions of the “terrible” event that has come. Thus, giving this “fearful” part of yourself a solution when everyone is alive and fed. In cases where you are afraid of an irreversible event, say, your death or your loved ones, terrible images are drawn in your head, then it is better to turn to personality-oriented psychotherapists, psychologists who are now working remotely in conditions of self-isolation and may well be able to help via Skype and similar programs. It is difficult to work independently here, since the fear of death is a basic fear, other fears are only derivatives of it. But at the same time, it is often removed quite quickly, in the process of work, using psychotechnologies for working with personal history. I sent out offers on social networks for people infected with coronavirus and in dire financial straits, offers of FREE psychological help. There were unexpectedly few requests; unfortunately, it is not customary for us to contact psychologists. If you found the article useful, share it on social networks, then it will help more people, and together we will reduce the general panic in our environment.