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Secrets of education, or How to raise a leader Almost all parents want their child to grow up to be a successful and happy adult. To get a good profession, a job you love, financial well-being. Since the baby’s future depends on what conditions were created for him from childhood, we need to properly raise the little man, creating a favorable environment for him. How to raise a leader? How to raise a child to be successful? You will read the main secrets below. * Since childhood, some habits have been ingrained in us, and we all know how difficult it is to part with them if they harm us. Therefore, from a very young age, let us teach the child some habits that are useful for a leader. Encourage your own child: - always finish the job, - take care of your appearance, - be able to talk and communicate with people, - take care of your health, - find several options for solving one problem, - constantly learn and develop, - always do a little more than asked - to treat other people with respect. * A leader communicates freely and effectively with other people, which means he has mastery of oratory. Teach your child to speak in front of an audience from childhood. Let such speeches bring joy to the child, and not paralyzing fear. My article on the topic How to help a child cope with anxiety before public speaking * Do not try to protect the child from all problems and difficulties by placing straw in his way. We learn and grow from challenges, not from greenhouse conditions, so allow your son or daughter to “fall and rise.” Of course, the child should not feel lonely and think that you are indifferent to his problems. He needs to know that you will always support him if necessary. * There are no great achievements without risk, so encourage your child to take risks. Correct risk also needs to be taught to a child from childhood. If he wants to cross the road in front of a tram to save time, this is an unreasonable and dangerous risk. And if you want to take the risk of taking an exam at a higher level of knowledge of the English language than is accepted somewhere, this is commendable and useful. Even if his exit is not successful, he will still be in the black - a failed attempt will bring new experience and knowledge, as well as an understanding that it is not scary to take risks. * Many people like to speculate, talk and plan how they will do something sometime and somewhere. In the vast majority of cases, these conversations take up a person’s entire life. Therefore, convey to the child that only actions indicate the seriousness of the intention and lead to achievements. Article for adults. About change and action * Teach your child to have his own opinion about everything. This may be inconvenient, but it is important for his development. Ask him as often as possible what he thinks about this or that matter. This way, from childhood, the child will get used to being listened to, his opinion is important and interesting. Let the child develop, this can be useful * Determine the interests of your child, then support and develop them. In activities that we like and are good at, achieving heights is much easier. * Teach your child to correctly perceive his mistakes and failures and learn from them. No one can walk the path to success without experiencing failure. Only those who do nothing make no mistakes and do not experience problems. (This is a huge and important layer of our development. We were taught to answer CORRECTLY and to be GOOD) * Teach your child optimism and perseverance. This will allow you to never give up, hang your nose and never give up. Oh and Ah. Pessimism and Optimism * Support your child in his high expectations of himself and life. Never tell a child that he cannot have or achieve something. The Paralympic Games and other similar achievements show that anything is possible. Large-scale plans, grandiose ideas - all these are the engines of your child in his development and activity. Weak desires give rise to weak actions,which will not lead to success. * Remember that the best example of the right personality traits and direction in life is yourself. You cannot teach your child optimism if you yourself “cry” every day about exaggerated troubles and failures. It is also strange to see a sloppily dressed parent talking about the benefits of a neat and stylish appearance. Everything you want to teach your child should be your life and belief too. And yes, there is no escape from this. Be happy and successful yourself. And children will definitely begin to follow your example. When talking about instilling leadership qualities in our children, there are (at least) two more things worth mentioning and thinking about. * Should all children and can become leaders in adulthood? Perhaps you should seriously think about whether it is necessary to forcibly make a leader out of a quiet, calm excellent/good student who feels comfortable alone or in a small group. As well as “slaughtering” an active, reasonable, courageous, independently thinking child who wants to be seen. Think about whether your child has leadership abilities? The future leader most likely has the following behavioral characteristics: - he is the leader in a children's group, they love him (or want to be close to him) and they follow him; - he likes to be the center of attention, play a leading role in the lives of his peers; - he has difficulty accepting instructions and requirements, especially if he does not agree with them; - easily conflicts, takes risks and argues, proving that he is right; - teaches adults and peers; - takes responsibility, etc. If your baby is not like that, it doesn’t matter. Perhaps not everyone should be a leader. You can raise a successful independent adult, albeit not the first, but a self-sufficient and full-fledged person. Speaking of Aggressive Children * Looking at the list of leadership skills and qualities, you will certainly understand that such a child is far from every parent’s dream. Most often, mothers and fathers are satisfied with their child when he obeys adults, fulfills his duties, gets along with teachers and students, is liked by neighbors and parents of peers, receives good and excellent grades in all subjects, i.e. is for us a convenient, comfortable child, whom “you can’t get enough of.” A leader is rather an “inconvenient” child, so to speak. A child leader will express his opinion to teachers, resist the social regime, resolutely and courageously resist performing actions “not according to him,” criticize and object, teach adults, constantly show initiative and vigorous activity. Not everyone will calmly tolerate such a child around, and some old-fashioned educators and teachers will even consider such a child a “hooligan.” For example, remember some modern leaders (Bill Gates, Roman Abramovich, Mark Zuckerberg, etc.) or your friends who have become successful and independent leaders (managers). During their school and student years, they might not have been very well received in their studies, for their own opinions that were contrary to the public, for “bad” behavior, etc. Some were expelled altogether or left educational institutions themselves and graduated from university only at a conscious age, already having financial independence. Probably our task is not to break an active, initiative, always arguing child, turning him into a downtrodden excellent student, for the joy of ourselves and others. Nor is it about forcing the quiet, shy little thinker to be visible and in the forefront. I think we should strive to ensure that our children are healthy and happy. Do you have difficulties communicating with your child? Do you want to raise an independent, confident, successful child? 15 effective tips for raising a childChild development at different stages, crises, parenting styles, raising an independent and confident child in this book Katerina Istratova (psychologist, author of books)If you need my professional help: Tel.: +7 929 9020234, +7 916 4015150 (Whatsapp) If you and I live in different cities or you cannot come to an in-person appointment, just use Skype consultations. Learn about baby development and parenting secrets