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Preschool age 6-7 years The leading need is communication. The leading activity is role-playing game. The leading function is imagination. Peculiarities of age: - manifestation of arbitrariness of all mental processes. But educational activities of the school type have not been formed; - transition to primary school age; - manifestation of the crisis of 7 years (whims, clowning, demonstrative behavior); - increased sensitivity; - complete trust in an adult, acceptance of the adult’s point of view. The attitude towards an adult as the only source of reliable knowledge; visual-figurative thinking continues to be the leading one. New formations: - internal plan of action; - arbitrariness of all mental processes; - emergence of subordination of motives; - self-awareness. A generalized and non-situational attitude towards oneself; - the emergence of the first holistic picture of the world; - the emergence of an educational and cognitive motive. Recommendations for adults: - promote the formation of an educational and cognitive motive; - promote the development of thinking; - form the arbitrariness of all mental processes; - promote the retention of the student’s internal position; - promote the formation of communicative skills of cooperation in communicating with peers in communication with a peer; - promote the formation of self-awareness and adequate self-esteem; - contribute to the formation of an internal plan of action through the internalization of the structure of activity; - continue to form ethical ideas. Psychological games for preschoolers 6-7 years old Magic blots Purpose: development of imagination Format: group Material: sheet of paper, paints. Progress of the game: Before the game starts, several blots are made: a little ink or ink is poured into the middle of a sheet of paper and the sheet is folded in half. Then the sheet is unfolded and the game can begin. The players take turns saying what object images they see in the blot or its individual parts. The one who names the most items wins. Confusion Goal: group unity Progress of the game: Children choose one of the participants who goes out the door. The rest stand in a circle and join hands. At the command of an adult, they, without throwing their hands, get confused among themselves. An adult helps children get confused. When confusion is ready, the player who was behind the door is called. His job is to unravel the confusion. Give the gift of movement Goal: strengthening emotional contacts between children, developing trust and mutual understanding. Progress of the game: A leader is selected. The rest of the children stand in a circle, and the leader stands in the center of the circle. The leader begins to perform some similar movements for 10-15 seconds, and the rest repeat these movements after him. Then the leader changes and the game continues.