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Psychological characteristics of preschool children Preschool age 5 – 6 years. The leading need at this age is the need for communication; creative activity. The leading activity is role-playing game. The leading function is imagination. Peculiarities of age: - communication with adults is situational and personal; - manifestation of arbitrariness of all mental processes; - in communication with peers there is a transition from situational business form to non-situational business form ;- manifestation of creative activity in all types of activities; - development of fantasy; - sexual identification. New formations: - anticipation of the result of activity; - active planning function of speech; - non-situational business form of communication with peers. Recommendations for adults: - teach children the ability to plan the upcoming activity. Use imagination as a prerequisite for the development of an internal plan of action in children and exercise external control through speech; - organize joint activities in order to develop elements of cooperation; - promote the development of empathic ideas; - encourage children to show initiative and independent thinking in all types of activities; - support and create conditions for the development of the child’s creative potential; - form elements of arbitrariness of mental processes in children in all types of activities. A six-year-old child becomes independent, he is independent of an adult, his relationships with adults expand. Conversations between a child and an adult at this time are focused on the adult world, and it is important for a preschooler to know “how to do it”; he strives for mutual understanding and empathy with elders. Thanks to an adult, the child learns moral laws, learns to evaluate his own actions and the actions of the people around him. Parents act as a model of behavior for the child. A preschooler is very sensitive to an adult’s comments and instructions, and this is a favorable condition for raising, teaching, and preparing a child for school. As the norms and rules of behavior are learned, they become the standards that the child uses to evaluate other people. But it is very difficult for a child to apply these measures to himself. Experiences that captivate a child and push him to take certain actions obscure the meaning of his actions. The child masters the ability to compare himself with others by older preschool age, and this serves as the basis for correct self-esteem. The child develops self-awareness, which manifests itself in self-esteem and comprehension of his experiences. Self-esteem is formed by the end of preschool age and is manifested in the ability to perform practical actions, and moral qualities, which are expressed in submission or disobedience to the rules of behavior identified in a given team. For example, a child can correctly evaluate himself in drawing, overestimate himself in mastering literacy, and the criteria that a preschooler uses for self-assessment depend on the teacher. Children with high self-esteem feel more confident, bolder in the children's team, they are active, show their interests, abilities, set high goals. With low self-esteem, the opposite happens. But there is also overly high self-esteem, which can lead to aggressiveness and arrogance. The popularity of a child in a group depends on the success he achieves in joint activities with children. And if you ensure the success of the activities of inactive six-year-olds who are not popular among children, this can lead to a change in their position in the children's team and become an effective means of normalizing their relationships with peers, increasing self-confidence and self-esteem. Thus, a child in preschool age goes through the path from “I myself,” from separating oneself from an adult to self-awareness, to the discovery of one’s inner life associated with external activities. In older preschool age, children search with interest and find humor in fables, in confusion, and really love to composeyourself. Attempts to depict funny movements appear in the drawings. The older the child, the more often he is attracted to the humor of the situation. The unusual coloring, shape, and size of objects cause laughter among older preschoolers. Children love comic games, pranks that are not complete without laughter, and older preschoolers themselves invent them in their stories and depict the funniest things in drawings. They also cause children's laughter and moral vices and shortcomings (cowardice, greed, laziness, boasting). The animation of familiar objects is most often perceived by children as comical. Children themselves use this technique when trying to portray something funny. Classes for preschoolers. Completion of images (development of detailed imaginary images and the ability to expand compressed schematic images into complete ones). It is carried out in a playful or competitive form. Children are given sets of geometric shapes cut out of thick cardboard and are told that this is a magical mosaic from which many interesting things can be put together. To do this, you need to attach different figures (whoever wants which ones) to each other so that something interesting turns out. A competitive element is introduced into the task: who can put together the most different objects from their mosaic and come up with some kind of story about one of them. Children are given sets of cards on which figures are depicted. Each set contains four identical cards. Children must complete each of them, turning them into any picture. To do this, each figure is given different details. The children could tell a story from the picture. Then they take a picture with the same figure, turn it over in any direction and turn it into another picture. Inventing a fairy tale using a model. The task assumes that the child must first learn to follow the plan proposed by an adult, and then move on to constructing his own plans and ideas. Children are given a small model (3-4 frame blocks with 2-3 substituents in each block) , according to which they must compose their own fairy tale. First, children deviate from the model set by adults, following their own plan. After discussing the tasks in terms of their originality, the use of the method of inclusion, detail and accuracy of following the model, gradually most children move on to telling the story exactly according to the model. Fairy-tale residents Children are asked to remember all the fairy-tale characters who cannot actually exist in life (for example, Serpent Gorynych, Starichek - Lesovichek, etc.). Ask the children to draw (optional) these fairy-tale characters. Exercises and tasks for the development of small muscles of the hand. Washing hands. We simulate the procedure of washing hands under running water with different pressures. The main task is to create a sense of contrast in children. The pressure of the hands is normal: the movements of the hands are wide, unhurried, smooth. The pressure decreases: the movements become more concentrated and a little tense - the water has to be specially rubbed over the surface of the hands, making sure that every area of ​​the surface is washed. The trickle has become completely exhausted: we vigorously rub the water into the skin, tensely closing the surfaces of both hands; Hasty movements are also possible (what if they turn off the water altogether?). Suddenly the pressure becomes normal again: I wash my hands again in the usual way. The task is repeated. Drawing in the air with hands and fingers. The main area of ​​application of the task is classes in visual arts. It is advisable to perform the task with musical accompaniment that conveys the nature of the desired image (images) - it will contribute to the expansion of creative visual capabilities. The “Rainbow Splashes” exercise develops the imagination, contributes to the formation of a culture of emotional experience, and increases overall physiological tone. Designed primarily for arts, music, and rhythm classes. Shaking relaxed hands in different rhythms, simulating splashing drops, “spraying” each other. Imagining how drops of water fly away in different directions, shimmering in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow. Answers to the question: “Where does the splash fly?”; "Whatare they colors? Assignment: “build” a rainbow from water droplets, admiring their color and shine. Exercise “Touch” Movements are performed accompanied by a poem. Children shake their hands. With increased tension they press on an imaginary wall. Smooth out an imaginary surface, draw the shape of a rectangle or square with your palms. Circular movements on imaginary glass, movements up and down, from side to side. Shaking hands, relaxed manipulation of fingers. We sculpt a kind and gentle hand. In order to develop emotional imagination, empathy, feelings of psychological security and self-confidence, the teacher uses this task in all classes related to the organization of productive and work activities, when developing children’s writing skills. Children are asked to “sculpt” from your hand (by smoothing, kneading, patting, etc.) the kind and gentle hand of a loved one - a loved one - mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, etc. Then the “work” is assessed by trying to listen to the newly arisen bodily sensations. To do this, children are asked questions: “What is your hand like? Whose hand does it look like? How did you guess about this? Elements of psycho-gymnastics in the classroom. Overcoming difficulties. This game exercise is used in cases where children experience significant difficulties in performing certain (primarily new) actions. Option 1. Suppose a child has difficulty drawing any figures (or is afraid of performing a new or complex task). "Does not work? It’s okay,” the teacher tells him. “Rest for now, and let your hand work for you.” Just watch her. Let's give her a name. How old is she? Four years? Look, she is so small, but so skillful and dexterous! Praise her and pet her. She can teach you how to draw these figures so well...” Option 2. In case of difficulty, the teacher tells the child: “Let the hand itself draw as best it can.” You are not responsible for anything and can rest.” If the child continues to experience difficulty, the teacher turns to him again: “Now close your eyes for a minute and imagine that you have turned into an artist. Let the artist now draw with your hand.” COLORING - MOSAIC On a sheet of A4 paper, an adult (or child), using a stencil, draws a contour image of an object, animal or fairy-tale character. The internal space of the image is divided into sectors by thin lines. The little artist, without going beyond the contour lines, fills each sector of the image with color spots. Before his eyes, step by step, a flower blooms or a butterfly comes to life. Now you can show the drawing to your teacher or mother and proudly say: “I drew this!” It’s hard not to praise: it turned out really beautiful! Magic splashes Every child's dream is to splash paint to his heart's content. And if you are also praised for this! An adult draws and cuts out silhouettes of various objects from cardboard. Together with your children, you can prepare paints: dilute gouache or watercolor with water. In order to avoid having to wash the floor and wash clothes after finishing work, a sheet of paper should be placed at the bottom of a deep box. The silhouette chosen by the child is placed on the sheet. Let's get to work: put paint on the bristles of the brush, bring it to the drawing and tap the metal tip of the brush with your index finger. When the entire surface is covered with colorful splashes, remove the cardboard silhouette and complete the necessary details. The masterpiece is ready! A nimble ball To complete this task, the artist will need a ball of thread or rope of any color and thickness. Roll the ball over a plain fleecy surface (carpet, thick fabric, velvet paper, etc.). The ball unwinds, leaving a line of thread behind it. You can draw with it. Didn’t work? Rewind the ball and try again. Plasticine miracle We start drawing by choosing plasticine. It should be bright and soft. Let's make a pencil sketch on a sheet of thick paper or cardboard. All that remains is to fill in.