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When femininity becomes ill. Femininity is a certain part of a woman’s personality, which is subtly connected with her soul, emotions, imagination, and aspirations. Femininity is not the soul, nor the feelings, nor the self-awareness of a woman. Femininity is an autonomous structure of the female personality, carrying within itself the principle of Love and ancient female knowledge about how a woman can be happy and fulfilled. Femininity makes any of us beautiful and smart, incredibly active, friendly and joyful, bringing order and beauty everywhere. She gives a woman powers of observation. Helps to provide all possible assistance to her man, without bothering or burdening him with her conversations and questions. She also rewards a woman with a kind, loving mind, noticing only the good and beautiful in those around her, insight and sharpness. In addition, a woman, thanks to healthy femininity, becomes tender, fragile, and has impeccable taste. In addition, a woman strives to be useful to everyone, to endow everyone with happiness and joy of life. Such a woman loves everyone and does not feel tired of her good activities. However, in life things don't always work out this way. Very often we see “sick” femininity. Sick Femininity makes a woman fussy, idlely curious, impudent, crafty, flirtatious, and flighty. Makes a woman intriguing, irritable and touchy. Such a woman really wants to be liked by everyone and hear compliments addressed to her every hour, receive expensive gifts, attract the attention of others, be capricious, picky and dissatisfied. With a man, such a woman is cunning, calling him “beloved” only when she wants to get something from him, and then she only blames him for his inability to do anything, give her pleasure, etc. This “disease” primarily affects the ability to enjoy the flow of life, to love, to care, to see with the heart, to subtly feel others, to feel who is breathing and what. This leads to dissatisfaction with life, painful feelings, and suffering. Those. the disease of Femininity manifests itself in deep feelings that “everything is bad” and “nobody loves me” both in relation to oneself and in relation to other people. Why does this happen? What causes our femininity to become “sick”? This happens if a woman does not love anyone for a long time or feels that she is not loved or desired. Each of us wants to love and be loved, but these needs cannot always be satisfied. Of course, the reasons and circumstances are different for everyone, but the result is the same - resentment slams shut on a woman’s heart, filling it with suffering and pain. What kind of joy is there in life, pray tell, if you haven’t met the only one, apparently you got lost somewhere. And the one who is nearby lives like a neighbor, simply shares a bed with a woman and accepts her feminine cares, while forgetting to show her that she is desired and loved by him. And our femininity “gets sick” when a woman is treated aggressively and disrespectfully. It doesn’t matter who - parents, classmates, acquaintances or her chosen one - will behave this way towards her, but in the end the woman will lose her joy in life and she will feel that “everything is bad” and that “they don’t love her.” And what’s even worse is that a woman may believe that she is being treated this way because “she herself is bad and deserves to be treated this way.” But it will be extremely difficult to recover from such misconceptions later, because A woman with such conclusions destroys her personality, kills her self-respect and will to live. It happens that a woman is forced to live for a long time among deceitful and insincere people who are accustomed to wearing “masks”, or she strives to meet the “standards” of women cloned by the media, ignoring her own individuality, or a woman is imbued with the idea that “you have to take everything from life” , then the disease of her femininity manifests itself in the fact that the woman becomes