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The art of communication and the ability to hear the interlocutor, alas, is given by nature to a few. The rest have to learn the techniques of professional “listening” through experience. Many people encounter big and small failures, troubles and embarrassments, after which they withdraw into themselves for a long time, depriving them of the pleasure of communication. Let's consider the basic laws of communication and try to figure out why their violation is so often observed. The main rules of effective communication: The best interlocutor is always the person who is able to listen better, rather than speak. People tend to listen to their interlocutor only after they have spoken out themselves. The inability to hear and perceive the words of your interlocutor can lead to troubles of various kinds. Often these are violations of interpersonal communication, disruptions in the professional sphere and similar inconveniences. Communication errors: - Absorption in one's own thoughts. The inability to listen often begins precisely with the moment of absorption in one's own thoughts and slowness in switching between thoughts and direct communication. Sometimes such preoccupation is associated with personal emotional experiences. - Emotional disorders. Objective information may pass by the listener only because something is very agitating or bothering him. Sometimes such states of anxiety can last for years, in such cases normal communication cannot occur until the cause of the anxiety is eliminated. The most effective treatment for these disorders is hypnotherapy. - Wounded pride. Any attack on your authority and pride (even an imaginary attempt that is absolutely not true) is perceived negatively. After this, communication can no longer be considered effective. Further communication comes down only to determining the “leader” in the conversation. - Labeling. Assessments or labels that announce a conversation or communication largely determine the further role of this communication. It is worth considering the possible bias of previously heard information about the interlocutor, and also avoid rash assessments. - Decreased attention span. Having hearing does not mean that a person can hear and correctly perceive what other people say. Fortunately, all this can be learned. - Violation of the rules and techniques of listening. Studying the rules of listening, the desire to develop and improve in this direction can establish any unproductive communication in a relatively short time. Knowledge of the above principles and rules of communication can protect you from the undesirable consequences of disruption of the communication process in all spheres of life. However, there are often situations when the root of problems with communication is in a person, and not in his behavior. In such cases, just taking into account the rules of communication will not help regulate the imbalances that arise, and it is best to immediately contact a specialist