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A person is sleeping, awake, bored, happy, concentrated - all these are individual characteristics of a person’s state, or more precisely, his mental state. During the consultation, the client, relying on the help of a psychologist, can understand the state in which he is located from the point of view of certain areas of the personality. He can understand what his physical condition is, what the physiological manifestations are, what he feels, what he thinks about, what he wants, how he behaves. That is, we seem to “rip out” this moment from the general process of human development and characterize it from different sides. It is obvious that at the next moment in time a person will be different, since personality transformation occurs every second, although most often it is difficult to notice with the naked eye. The mental state of a person reflects the characteristics of the psyche in a certain time period. It is formed, on the one hand, under the influence of what happens in the world around a person and what is in one way or another significant for a person and, on the other, under the influence of the internal processes of the individual himself - feelings, emotions, thoughts, needs. External conditions, passing through the prism of internal ones, directly affect the human condition. So, if there is a certain need, for example, the desire to satisfy one’s hunger, an expectation arises of the environmental conditions necessary to satisfy the need. He can expect to see the food right away and completely ready for consumption. If he finds it in this form, eats it, and saturates his body, then he is likely to be in a positive emotional state. If food needs to be prepared, or, moreover, there is no money to buy it, then a negative state of the emotional sphere will immediately occur. In turn, a person's mental state will affect his behavior and expression of himself in the outside world. There will be several options for behavior - go to the store, ask your relatives for money, stay at home to starve and wait for the savior to appear, and other potential options. Everything depends on a person’s capabilities at a given moment in time, on his internal resources. By the way, the degree of “resource” also characterizes a person’s mental state. A resource state, as a rule, is expressed by an increase in strength and positive emotions. Often it is the result of successful work with a client, and in practice this happens quite often. In this state, the client has several solution options available to choose from, and he himself is the generator of ideas on how to act and what decision can be made. Even a negative event is interpreted from a positive point of view: the person gains experience and certain information that allows him to learn more about the situation and find the right solution. A person, having resources, emerges from failure more adapted. A non-resourceful state leads to narrowness and inertia of thinking, concentration on the negative. He thinks that he can only act in a certain way in the situation that has arisen, and he is dissatisfied with this potential outcome. A resourceful mental state of a person appears if he changes either his physiology or his thinking. Breathing practices, reading books, communicating with proactive people, psychological consultations, training, sports, various types of creativity, activities to your liking - all this is not a complete list of what can transform your condition, which can provide the necessary resources for your life. Even if you are in a generally positive state, periodic “refueling” can also be useful in order to continue to perform efficiently and effectively. The most important thing is to understand what your soul requires now and hit the road! This article was first published here - http://psyhology-online.ru/sostoyaniya/resursnye/165-psikhicheskoe-sostoyanie-chelovekaLana Zolotareva