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From the author: I present one block from an educational program for children 2-3 years old. Introduction by a psychologist. Autumn is warm and red. Autumn comes after summer. In autumn, nature fades and prepares for winter rest. Autumn begins on September 1 and lasts until November 30. In autumn, the days become shorter and the nights longer. Gray clouds appear in the sky, long, cold rains fall, leaving deep puddles. The leaves turn yellow and fall - leaf fall begins (children are given “Autumn” cards). Exercise 1. “Hedgehog in the forest”. Goals: - establishing an emotional connection; - remembering the sequence of actions; - indicating the beginning of the lesson. Materials: toy hedgehog, various paper leaves colors. Psychologist. - Guys, look who I met in the forest! After all, this is a hedgehog. And do you know what he told me? Do you want to know? Well, then listen. One fine, sunny day, the hedgehog went out into the woods. The hedgehog wanted to walk through the autumn forest and collect the most beautiful leaves. After all, autumn is the most beautiful time of the year, when trees shed their leaves and cover the ground with them. And the forest turns into a multi-colored fairyland. Psychologist. - Who can tell me what color the leaves are in autumn? Children. - Red, yellow, green, etc. Psychologist. - That's right, well done. And here at the edge of the forest lie the colorful leaves of different trees. And in great joy the hedgehog began to collect these leaves on his thorns. Yes, I collected so much that I didn’t have the strength to drag it home. And the hedgehog stopped to rest under a mighty oak tree. And then, out of nowhere, the wind blew onto the edge of the forest. How the hedgehog's most beautiful leaves flew away in different directions. Oh, how the hedgehog was sad. What to do? - he thought. And the hedgehog decided to go and look for help from the kids, and what if they help. And the hedgehog met me with this request: to collect leaves for him. Psychologist. – Are you guys ready to help the hedgehog? Children. – Yes!!! Psychologist. - Well, then go ahead! Look around and see where the leaves are hidden, and whoever finds them shouts loudly: - Found them!! and does not forget to say his name so that the hedgehog knows who helped him. (Children look for leaves and shout out their names). Exercise 2. “Assessing color knowledge” Purpose: - diagnostics of the level of knowledge of the color sensory standard. Material: sets of didactic games (vegetables, utensils, tools). Psychologist. – Guys, look how many items we have on the table!!! Let’s play a game with you. You need to put the same item in each of your boxes. - Have you done everything? - Well done!!! - Now, show everyone where the red (blue, yellow and green) object is. - Now tell me what color this object is? Norms: - comparison - from 1.5-2 years; - choice by name - at 2-3 years; independently name an object - at 2.5 - 3 years. Exercise 3. “Carrot for a bunny.” Goal: development of artistic activity. Materials: ready-made shapes cut out of colored paper (carrots and tops) and silhouette images of bunnies on a sheet of A5 cardboard according to the number of children, adhesive pencil, napkins. Psychologist. - Guys, do you remember our friend the hedgehog, whom we helped today? So, it turns out that he has his best friend - Bunny. - Here he is (the psychologist shows the bunny to the children)! And the bunny asks us to help him too. Do you know what happened to him? - At Bunny’s house there are his brothers and sisters who want to eat carrots. But the Bunny, when he came out into the clearing, he was also frightened by the strong wind and he lost all the carrots. And I just had a few extra carrots left. “So, let’s help the bunnies?” Then let's make carrots together with the mothers and make the bunnies happy (give everyone silhouette images and ready-made shapes. Children, together with their parents, paste images of carrots and tops next to the silhouette of a bunny). Farewell. All participants in the lesson hold hands and, shaking them up and down, sing a farewell song: Goodbye, goodbye, come to us again Goodbye, goodbye, we'll play together.