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Part 1. Conscience as a survival mechanism In socio-economic systems, there are survival mechanisms that operate regardless of the desire (or reluctance) of the people who manage these systems. In the context of the theme of equality, I will briefly describe two of them: the mechanism of individual conscience and the mechanism of collective conscience. Individual conscience serves the survival of an individual unit in the system. This could be a person in a family, a department in an organization, a region in a country, a country in the world. Or it may be a functional subsystem within another system - for example, a financial system in a company's system or a social system in a regional system. Its task is to hide what threatens membership in the system. Examples: - if a child feels that it is impossible to cry, otherwise the mother will, for example, scold, then he learns not to cry; - if in the company of teenagers you can become an outcast by showing your fear, then the teenager learns to suppress fear; - if there is something in the department - anything that calls into question the activities of a department in the company, then it needs to be hidden; - if there are dissatisfied people in the region and protests arise, then they need to be hidden, because the governor’s KPI is the level of calm in the region. In contrast to individual conscience, conscience acts collective. Its task is to ensure the survival of the system as a whole. To do this, it includes into the general field that which was excluded (repressed/hidden) by the individual conscience. For example, a disagreement arose between the founders of a company. They don’t show it, “saving face.” But the discord is serious and threatens the collapse of the company. Then the system conscience begins to manifest this at the lower levels of the system hierarchy, acting out this conflict, for example, through the conflict of department heads (this is the so-called “repeating pattern” in the organization). At the family level, an example would be a situation where twins were born and one child died. For parents, this is a difficult grief, and therefore they exclude these feelings, focusing on the surviving child, as if there was no other child. But the system remembers that he was there, that the feelings of loss are not lived through, but frozen. And then the systemic conscience “does” everything to ensure that these feelings are lived. This child brings a kitten into the house from the street, the whole family nurses it, and then it runs away. A child has a loss, his parents console him, buy him a new kitten so that he can rejoice, the grief is again not lived through by anyone. A new event is formed: the mother becomes pregnant, but she has a miscarriage. Again grief, again the feeling is not lived through. And the systemic conscience will form new events until this energy of grief receives its movement. Not in this generation, but in the next. Part 2. Everyone in the system has their own level. So, system conscience includes what is repressed into the hierarchy of the system through those who are systemically junior. That is, the exclusion occurs systemically by the senior ones, and then at the level of the systemically junior ones it is included back. This is the law. If there are no seniors/juniors (and this is where inequality starts), then the excluded will have nowhere to manifest themselves, the system will be in stagnation, we will get a systemic crisis, as a result of which the system will collapse. Who are systemically senior and who are systemically junior? In the family system, the eldest are those who came earlier, the youngest are those who came later. In an extended family system (when second and third husbands/wives, children from different marriages, and so on are added to the parents + children format), the hierarchy is more complex and similar to the organizational one. There are 5 orders of hierarchy in organizational systems: by time of entry into the system, by access to resources, by proximity to the border between internal and external (sales managers, in particular, will be systemically senior in this order, since they stand on the border between the company and consumers ), on attracting money to the organization, by place in the organizational structure (by power). Moreover, in one hierarchy you can be senior, and in another junior. Therein lies the conflict. A special case of equality/inequality is welfare. A significant proportion of people who earna lot of money displaces the fear of poverty/poverty. This fear in the system somewhere must be manifested through that very poverty/misery, looking at which these people seem to distance themselves from it. Some do this through “my eyes should not see this,” while others do it through charity, donating money to fight poverty. Imagine that this does not exist, that everyone is equal. Where to put fear? I hear the answer: “Then he won’t be needed, he won’t exist.” Maybe not needed. But this is not for us to decide. If the fear of poverty is supplanted by individual conscience, then the systemic conscience will manifest it regardless of our desires, through the very poverty that we have to look at and feel something. Part 3. Calls for equality - the path to problems When we hear at any level There was no system calling for equality, it’s worth thinking hard before going into this equality. Examples * a mother makes a man out of her son for herself, wrapping it in a candy wrapper “I’m teaching my son to be a man” (you can see photos on Instagram* with captions “ the main man in my life), in the future this man cannot build normal relationships, because he continues to shoulder the responsibilities of the main man in my mother’s life. * in the department everyone is invited to work together on the project and, regardless of different positions and salaries, give 250%, because “this is our common cause.” Then, when the time comes to reap the fruits of the “common cause,” it turns out that it is impossible to divide them as common, because there is still a hierarchy, and the fruits are divided according to the hierarchy (there is an illusion that it can be divided equally, but remember that if there is a strong desire, only material things can be equally divided, but recognition cannot, and the one who “organized everyone for a common cause” will still receive more goodies, that is, inequality will still manifest itself, and then aggression will follow it, because they gave their all to 250% all). * in the company, the head of the department is invited to participate in meetings on an equal basis with the deputy general directors, despite the fact that his immediate superior is one of these deputies. It is wrapped in a beautiful candy wrapper: “this is a significant employee with specific knowledge.” Later, the time comes when this knowledge is no longer relevant enough to be in demand at meetings, and the head of the department will have to return to his level. He finds himself in a situation where he has already separated from his level (“I’m cool, I take part in State Duma meetings”), but has not yet settled down at a higher level (he was used and sent back). * in a company located at the purple level of spiral dynamics (the leading theme at this level is safety in a world that seems unpredictable and unsafe) it is proposed to build interaction on the basis of equality, harmony, acceptance, and so on. The owner actively invites to participate in determining the path of development of the company, promising equality, brotherhood and the opportunity for self-realization for everyone. What will happen next? Since at the purple level the company does not yet have sufficient free cash resources (it has not yet learned how to earn them), the level of anxiety in the company is quite high, and in such conditions it is impossible to engage in spirituality and self-development - the laws of biology will not allow it. As a result, a crisis will occur in the company, and with a 90% probability it will fall apart either completely or to such an extent that it will have to overcome the severe internal conflict of the owner. The hierarchy was, is and will be. This is the law of survival of the system as a whole. Understanding your place and awareness of this will help you move through life easily and freely. And an individual, and an organization, and a large system. If you are interested in studying systemic laws and how they manifest themselves in various systems, come study. The system analysis course starts on February 7, on Tuesdays from 17.00 to 18.30. Details and registration - follow the link. More materials about system speakers - in the telegram channel "Dynamics" * Instagram belongs to the Meta company, which is recognized.