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Awareness of the past for the futureSpiritual rebirth is necessary to live in peace and harmony with oneself and other people on planet Earth.Spiritual rebirth happens differently for everyone, because everyone has their own truth and everyone has their own imprint on the soul. The concept of one’s truth is based on the perception by one’s soul of that “justice” or that “injustice” that arose due to certain situations and events, words and actions of other people. And very often we are not even aware that injustice and justice do not exist in that understanding how we formulate it. It is only present as our belief. In fact, it is a justification for the quality of energies given outside and received from outside energies from intelligent beings. The truth is always in a state of fascination or disappointment. Any person leaves traces of his thoughts, words and actions - this is how the Universe works. This is the energy that he gives and receives, like a balance of “take and give”, and he leaves traces for many centuries, interfering in the lives of other people and nature. Unfortunately, we rarely think that these traces become his karma in the game called life. Everything in this world has its own programs, and this is how any person gains experience for his soul. It is this pure experience that the soul needs when it leaves that physical shell, which is called the physical body. Nothing else but the soul remains from the person who considered himself a person. And then the soul understands that besides love, all other values ​​are worthless and are the dust of the material world. The path to oneself begins only if a person includes an analysis of his existence from birth to the moment “now.” We can say that this comprehension of the choices that he made at certain moments of his life and comprehension of the traces that he left. The beginning of the path to oneself is activated at the energetic level only if a person stops in his wheel of monotonous actions of those mass programs that he performs like a robotic essence. To stop means to recognize the meaning or meaninglessness of your actions, your life, your environment, your values, etc. Only in this case is a stop possible. He stops and pays attention to his past - why did he live and how did he live? The awareness of the past path comes, of course, not immediately. But he realizes, which means he repents of his wrong actions in relation to other people and nature, which gives him the opportunity to exist on the planet. He realizes, which means he forgives for the “injustice” that another person caused him. He realizes, which means he asks to forgive himself for the “good” that he did to another. He realizes, which means he begins to think about the route along which he is moving. To think means to ask yourself - where does this road lead, to the Light or to the Darkness? Turning on yourself on an energetic level means changing the vibrations that a person emits. Inclusion is an expressed intention out loud for your Mentors (subtle plan) - the intention to gain your strength. Changes occur after inclusion, however, the process is not quick. Old habits - character, beliefs and feelings do not change in the blink of an eye, but only through conscious work on one’s “values”, which are embedded in the emotionally sensual framework of the individual. Why do you need a path to yourself? The path to yourself, in essence, is the path to your To the Creator. Each soul has its own Creator, who has access to our planet. Creators are Creators created over a huge number of eons of time by the Absolute Mind. Consequently, this is the path to the Absolute, with whose hands, eyes, feelings, actions man is. This is the path that was offered to man by the Creator of all worlds, so that man could become the Creator of his rational world. And this is not an invention of the human mind. The Divine Mind itself, the Primordial Creative Power of the Absolute, speaks about this. Every person needs a path to himself in order to realizeyour purpose in order to know the ancestral and karmic tasks that can and should be solved in this incarnation. The path to yourself is needed to get out of the so-called wheel of Samsara. The path to yourself is needed to return to your Creator, who embodied you for the first time on his planets. You will constantly go through the same life scenarios until you change your energies and receive new streams of your capabilities. When you do not follow your path, you get access to those people who also do not get access to their programs and do not get access to their Mentors, which means they do not follow their own path. And then again and again you find yourself in those life situations that do not help you change your life route. And only if you fulfill your solar programs, you will gain access to the opportunity to become the creator of your reality, which is what your Creator originally intended. Wandering in the darkness of ignorance, ignorance, in the labyrinth of dependencies and attachments, you need to stop and remember yourself. And now, during the quantum transition to a new space, this chance is given to everyone. As soon as you change your energies, you will gain access to completely new energies. You can get out of the wheel of eternal suffering in a series of incarnations with working out karma and ancestral programs. This opportunity is given to the soul once every 7000 years, if a person can change himself, and therefore change his attitude towards the surrounding space, towards people, towards the game in which he is participating. This game was ordered by his soul before incarnation. And now this soul has the opportunity to change its future for many millennia to come if it finds a way to itself. It was during this period of time that the soul incarnated on Earth, knowing in advance that it would have such an opportunity. Almost each of us is a parent, and our children have the same ancestral programs as their parents. Each of the children can receive our ancestral programs if we do not fulfill the tasks of our destiny or our ancestral tasks. The future of our children depends on how we ourselves live. And then children have a chance not to carry the burden of their parents’ unfulfilled tasks. Resentment is on the way to their true essence. It is impossible to form a favorable future for themselves if resentment lives inside. It can be different - per person, per life, per government and state. When a feeling of resentment lives inside, then a person does not allow himself to reveal the best thing that is in him - love. Resentment prevents you from finding the path to your true essence, because it always begins to turn into anger. If you are offended, perhaps it is you who allow this to happen. When you experience a state of malice, hatred or anger, you lower your vibration. Resentment is very often used by the matrix low-frequency system in the program of a person’s life in order to receive your flows of energy of irritation and anger - low vibrations. If you were offended and you remained silent, which means you did not help the person realize his action, then you are responsible for this responsibility. It was you who did not help the other person realize that he acted ugly towards you. And if you continue to remain silent, then your Mentors (guardian angels) will change, and the new Mentors will cut you off from the opportunity to change the situation until you start using energy that you are not using. This is the energy of human dignity. Planet Earth in this period of time (up to a certain period of time) is on low-frequency flows. This is due to the quantum transition to a new density. If you understand that those people who offend you have low-frequency flows, and do this according to the program of their life route, in order to download energy from you and lower your vibrations, in order to hook you through the offense and change your life route - you are not on them you are offended. If you understand what energies they have and why they do it (little children do not know what they are doing), you do not take offense at them. You are not offended by them, because you understand that they exist according to completely different programs. You are not offended, and neither are any peoplereceives your streams of resentment, anger and malice. And then none of them will be able to change your life path. And when you understand this, you disconnect yourself from the ability of the low frequency program of resentment to lower your vibration. The program of resentment is embedded in the DNA. If you have ancestral or karmic programs that need to be worked out, then you will want to be offended. This is how karma is worked out, and resentment is your reaction to an incoming signal that activates the resentment program in your DNA. If you do not have ancestral and personal karmic and karmic programs, then you are not offended.Spiritual rebirth. The beginning. Spiritual rebirth is the discovery of new meanings, new flows that were inherent in each of us from birth, embedded in our DNA. Ask yourself: “Why do I live on this Earth, in this world? Who am I at the core of myself? Who am I in this world? What is this energetic construct that I am?” Ask yourself: “What is the meaning of what I am doing now? Why do I need this?” Perhaps your answers will help you understand what is not visible, but what is inside you. Almost every person who believes in spiritual truths is convinced of the existence of the Soul, so people realize that there is something more significant than themselves. And if someone initially separated himself from what is called the Soul, now he begins to realize that there is both a Soul and a Spirit. The soul feels attraction or rejection, the soul feels love. Why is that? Because the love of the Creator of all worlds and the compassion of the Creator are part of our Soul. As Kryon says, inside each of us there is a Flower of Life, aka Love. “You create and develop beauty, perhaps without even realizing that you have it. The Flower of Life begins to bloom within you. You knew he was inside, but he was always depressed. In the new energy, the time has come to awaken this blooming garden" Kryon. And in order to awaken your blooming garden, you need to come to your core - the true essence. The main steps on the path to yourself, to remember yourself and awaken your blooming garden, are common and known to many of us . It's all about our intention to do it. For those people who need an understanding of these steps, you can familiarize yourself with the material “The Main Steps on the Path to Yourself.” Spiritual rebirth begins when a person stops and listens to himself - what does the soul really want? What did he do against the call of his soul and his heart? The man stops and thinks. Then he forgets, because he returns to the flow of systemic programs of society - work - home - work for the purpose of material fulfillment. Then it stops again when the end of patience and dissatisfaction from work and home has already arrived, when the corridor of opportunities for happiness is closed. All his efforts to achieve “success” do not give the desired result. A person is de-energized. Then the process of disidentification with the programs of society, with beliefs about values, disidentification with dependence on a partner begins, the process of understanding “fairness” and “injustice” in relationships with close and not close people begins. In the process of disidentification, new meanings of life are acquired and people gain access to their original life programs, for which, in fact, they came to the planet Earth Gaia. This is only the beginning of spiritual rebirth. = The Harmony Health Resort invites men and women to the Healing Yoga Tour “SYNERGY OF HEALING”. Peace is always provides support and protects the seeking heart on the road to good awakening. Healing yoga tour “SYNERGY OF HEALING” is a program that cleanses and fills the human body with the energy it needs, leading to ease of self-perception, expanding consciousness, harmonizing the energy structure, changing the perception of reality, opening hearts and giving impetus to raising the vibrations of consciousness. This is an opportunity to free yourself from the causes of ailments, gain healing skills and gain a sense of the value of your radiance. Detailed yoga tour program and registration page WhatsApp consultation. Telegram +7 953 645 7558 WhatsAppHeartful Conversation