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From the author: The article was created at the request of journalists for the newspaper “Znamya Truda” Adolescence is one of the most important periods in a person’s life, it is a great transition from childhood to adulthood. That is why it is associated with such violent cataclysms. The main question that a teenager is trying to solve is: “Who am I?” Childhood is passing, and with it the significance of children's roles and interests, which have already been successfully mastered, goes away. “I’m no longer a child, but I’m not yet an adult, but I really want to join the world of adults.” And the teenager begins, with interest and sometimes desperate persistence, role-playing experimentation that will help him consolidate his sense of his own identity and internal integrity. And he often suffers from some confusion of roles; he may experience difficulties in coming up with a suitable role for himself and thereby striving to occupy a significant place in society. This is the leading need of this age - to be significant, to be visible. In this way, the teenager actualizes the importance of his own autonomy on the one hand, and respect and recognition from adults (primarily) and peers on the other. He is desperately trying to build new, still unknown to him, relationships on equal terms. This is difficult and that is why the teenager needs understanding and support during this period. If this fails and the teenager faces many socially unfavorable factors, the crisis intensifies. That is why at this age there is an increase in suicide attempts. There are many reasons for this: Losses 1. Breaking up a romantic relationship.2. Death of a loved one.3. Loss of “face” (for example, a boy who publicly declared that he intended to become captain of the football team and was unable to do so; a girl who dreamed of being queen at the party, but was rejected).4. Divorce of parents. Pressure1. Pressure at school (striving for high grades; simultaneously performing several important tasks; overactive participation in social life; demands to participate in school sports; diligence).2. Peer pressure. (The desire to be accepted; the morals of the group; similarities in the manner of dressing; drugs; alcohol; sex; musical tastes).3. Parental pressure (success; conflict between the need for control and the desire to be independent; disagreements between parents in matters of education; clothing, music; “parental sermons”, not personal example). Low self-esteem1. Physical unattractiveness.2. Feeling of second-class status.3. Sexuality.4. Clothes.5. Physical impotence.6. Failure in studies. Lack of communication Feelings of isolation, loneliness. Statistics confirm that the most common of these reasons are problems in the family and school. The basis of these problems may be a discrepancy between the requirements and real opportunities for their implementation in a teenager. Differences in symptoms in adolescents experiencing problems are related to gender. Teenage boys are more likely to engage in antisocial behavior. Teenage girls are more likely to push their symptoms internally and develop depression. Depression manifests itself, first of all, in a reduction in external active activity, a kind of “freezing” occurs from the inside, and internal activity is colored by negative thoughts, which are characterized by their hopelessness. A kind of vicious circle arises, from which it is difficult to get out alone. A prolonged depressive state can lead to suicidal actions as the “only possible” solution (way out) of the current situation. In general, among those who have experienced depression, there are twice as many teenage girls and adult women as males. Although the reasons for this gender difference are unclear, psychologists believe that they may be associated with a significant decrease in self-esteem during puberty, a more critical attitude towards oneself (in matters of attractiveness, beauty, especially in comparison with established standards in society). Pressure from peers and funds…