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Powerlessness is a colossally exhausting feeling. Parental powerlessness in the face of a child’s illness, especially. Viruses are not the same today(((None of my three children have ever been so sick. In a week from ARVI, instead of recovery, my youngest daughter developed double pneumonia with complications. We started treatment at home with antiviral, symptomatic treatment, for three days it did not get better. Four day of antibiotics at home - it didn’t get better. We donated blood, had an x-ray - a diagnosis of bilateral pneumonia. Infectious diseases hospital: droppers, inhalations, oxygen, antibiotics. My daughter’s health became better, and an ultrasound and x-ray showed that the pneumonia had caused complications... We were transferred to the Seredavina hospital. : enhanced antibiotics, anesthesia, bronchoscopy, puncture and physiotherapy... I will write down important things that I want to share about the period of the child’s illness: Your parental readiness for treatment is important. The child needs a confident, adequate, supportive adult. Self-blame and feelings of guilt are unproductive - they delay recovery and. aggravate the condition. Support is important for any parent. Talk with loved ones, with staff, with roommates. You will see for whom it is already easier, their path, you will see the possibility of improvement. Do not deny yourself human support and empathy. Switching is important during the day, at least for a few minutes. My daughter and I played board games Uno and Memory. I taught my daughter to play cards, fool) We read, drew, colored. I switched to my studies, even took assignments for the exam. In an infectious diseases hospital you cannot leave the ward, there are various infectious diseases. And in the department of pediatric purulent surgery of the Seredavina hospital, it was already possible to communicate. It’s great that the hospital department has a children’s room with good games, and a teacher and a teacher work on weekdays. Volunteer animators came to the children. It is important to spend more quality time with your child during illness. We played more and watched cartoons together. More holding hands, hugging. All injections and procedures lived together. We were visited by our relatives, and it was especially nice that my middle daughter’s classmates gave her toys and wishes for a speedy recovery. It was important for me to ask and re-ask the doctor, the chief physician, about my daughter’s condition. Clarify the test results, understand and continue the treatment process. It is important to accept that treatment of pneumonia is a long process under the supervision of doctors. Finally, in the fourth week from the onset of the disease, the long-awaited discharge from the hospital. Emotional reactions are lived out at home. We relax the body, light massage, stroking, eat well) Give ourselves enough time to recover, follow the doctors’ recommendations. We all grow through crises and, unfortunately, through illnesses, let us have fewer of them and let everything be within our power! The mantra “Children get sick, children cause” and “The worst days also end” also helped me. Good health to everyone, take care of each other.