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Of course, the word itself sounds scary - obesity! Just a death sentence for some beautiful and healthy life! And therefore, I immediately suggest reducing the level of negative emotions and frightening connotations in order to try to look at the problem in a broader, simpler and more positive way! If we stop being afraid of the problem, then there is a chance to cope with what prevents us from feeling happy. And first, let's understand what obesity is and why do women gain excess weight so easily? The female body is predisposed to depositing and storing fat. You can't do anything about it. Nature has decreed that the mother’s physiology obeys the mechanism of giving birth and feeding the child. Any excess food a woman has is almost always carefully sent to various open and hidden storage areas, where it can be stored just in case. Today in the civilized world we are solving the problem of obesity, forgetting that even in the 21st century there are almost 1 billion people on the planet who are officially starving! Problems with food, with sufficient quantities of it, have been solved only in countries that are commonly called developed. However, the entire human history is a continuous evolutionary process of struggle for food, and therefore the female body over millions of years has adapted to harsh environmental conditions with its own characteristics. One of them is to accumulate fats, which will save a woman and a child during a period when there will be difficulties with food! That is, what we today call the problem of a modern woman was previously considered her clear advantage, and that is why plump women by the great Rubens appeared for their time standard of beauty. Full meant portly, or in other words “before or for childbirth.” Carrying the signs of healthy motherhood was the main characteristic for a woman! In former times, the continuation of the entire family depended on the health of the mother and this was valued unconditionally! But times have changed! Modern “tribes,” thanks to the development of state institutions and science, have transformed into countries and grown to a population of millions, or even billions. And today (whether this is good or bad is a separate topic) childbearing has ceased to determine a woman’s status in society. And since the maternal function has lost its paramount importance, new ideas about female beauty and her health have come to the fore. A moderately overweight and healthy woman in current conditions may feel psychologically uncomfortable, reacting to the standards of beautiful appearance established by modern fashion and culture. If earlier a woman did not pay attention to being overweight and lived in peace, now many are trying to force themselves into the norms imposed by society, organizing merciless marathons in the fight for a slender waist and thin hips. What is most surprising is the situation when a plump woman has a happy marriage, enjoys attention of the spouse and still falls under the influence of the external environment, winding himself up with fears and worries about problems with obesity. Therefore, it is very important to first understand your attitude towards your own body, to understand what worries you in the first place - unhealthy symptoms, problems with shortness of breath, fatigue, low mobility, or what others will think about you, while you yourself feel quite cheerful, energetic and healthy! Issues of psychological balance in cases of obesity are of the utmost importance. If you correctly place the emphasis and understand what your worries and fears are connected to, where your uncertainty comes from, what your eating disorder is based on and whether it exists at all, then in the future it will be easier to organize your life in such a way that your relationship with food will gain harmony and control .Read my useful articles on the topic of eating disorders: “Eat up to vomit! The horrors of eating disorders!” “Eating disorder (ED) Food addiction” “The habit of eating a lot! Turn on self-control!” “How to lose weight?” Get to know each other with other articles by the author can be found here 🌹With respect and