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So, confidence.... What kind of thing is this and where does it come from, confidence? I associate the word confidence with awareness of one’s capabilities, when a person knows that he can perform any activity, do it well, and he is confident that he will succeed. But where does confidence come from in general? Good question, let’s explore it together, dear readers. In general, confidence develops in childhood, like many personality traits, namely at an early age, when the child is actively growing and exploring this unfamiliar world. At this time, adult support is very important for the child, because... everything unfamiliar causes fear in the child, and the parent acts as an all-knowing and all-powerful being, who provides the child with the need for safety. If this is not the case, then very soon the baby will feel that the world is not as safe as it seems and there is nowhere to get help, and then a seed of disbelief in one’s own strength begins to appear, because only with the support of parents can a child develop and learn about the world. This is only one of the possible options for the emergence of insecurity. Another option may be the style of education in the family where the child is growing up. For clarity, I will give an example: there are two families and both have a child. In one family, parents give their child enough attention and care, supporting him in every possible way in everything he does. And the child in this family grows up with the conviction that he can do everything and everything will work out for him, if it doesn’t work out, then “the parents will support, help if necessary.” They make demands in accordance with his capabilities and even praise him for small successes. And in another family everything is exactly the opposite, parents hardly take care of the child, for any mistake, oversight, reproaches and insults pour on the poor child’s head like from a “horn of plenty” “stupid, how many times can you be told how to do it, you don’t know how to do anything”, “from “You’ll never get anything good, stupid”, the demands are such that not every adult can fulfill them himself. What kind of child is in this situation? It seems that the child is trying, hoping deep in his soul that he is doing well, that his parents will appreciate him and what he gets? the child will doubt himself even where he seems to cope. Later, having already become a teenager, such a child will always feel insecure, no matter what he undertakes, and not only teenagers, adults also face the problem of their insecurity. Confidence. in its power, has a direct impact on our entire subsequent life. I have only touched the surface of this issue because this topic is too deep and it is not possible to take into account all the nuances; what works and what one person copes with may not work for another, because we are all individual and not alike. There can be a great many reasons, and sometimes it’s not so easy to find the reason ourselves; we simply may not notice it, not attach importance to it. Then the question will be fair: “Well, what should I do then? How can I finally understand myself??” The question is very good, if a person is tormented by something, oppressed and he cannot understand what it is and how to get rid of it, this is the first and very important step towards solving the problem. And in order to clarify these issues, you can turn to a specialist who will provide support, help you find a way out of a difficult situation and help you achieve harmony and happiness. All you need to do is admit to yourself that there is a difficulty, and not push it down " on the back burner,” saying to myself, “Oh, okay, some other time, there’s no time now.” Life passes and it depends only on us how we live it, finding the strength to admit and solve our difficulties or constantly push them “into the back burner” - it’s up to you, dear readers, to decide. In conclusion, I would also like to add that there are no hopeless situations and “ The one who walks will master the road".