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According to the Law of Ukraine dated 07.12.17 No. 2229-VIII “About abuse and prevention of domestic violence”, domestic violence is understood as physical, sexual, psychological or economic violence that is committed in the family or within the place of residence or between relatives, or between former or current spouses, or between other individuals who live together. Physical violence is a form of domestic violence that includes spanking, slapping, pushing, pinching, biting, as well as unlawful imprisonment, beatings, torture, causing bodily harm of varying degrees of severity, failure to provide assistance to a person who is in a life-threatening condition, and murder. Sexual violence is a form of domestic violence that includes any acts of a sexual nature committed without the consent of the individual, offenses against sexual freedom or sexual integrity of the individual. Psychological violence is a form of domestic violence, which includes verbal insults, threats, humiliation, intimidation, and other actions aimed at limiting the expression of an individual’s will, control of the reproductive sphere, if such actions or inaction caused the injured person to fear for their safety or the safety of third parties, caused emotional insecurity, inability to protect oneself or harmed the mental health of the individual. Economic violence is a form of domestic violence that includes the intentional deprivation of housing, food, clothing, other property, money or documents or the ability to use them, abandonment without supervision or care, obstruction in obtaining necessary treatment or rehabilitation services, prohibition from working, coercion labor, a ban on studying and other economic offenses. Among the factors that determine the increase in the level of domestic violence under quarantine conditions, the following can be identified: forced coexistence with an aggressor in the same territory for a significant time, in some cases this is 24/7; significant or complete inability to leave the premises for the purpose of avoid violent actions; - significant or complete financial dependence (a woman lives in a territory that does not legally belong to her, is on maternity leave, does not work or lost her job under quarantine); - the difficulty of carrying out a legal divorce procedure under quarantine conditions, which is unknown when end. The tension is heightened by the fact that in the vast majority of families that live with either minor children or elderly relatives (or both), everyday life and care for these family members often falls on the shoulders of women in conditions of isolation. Essentially, this is 24/7 work, which often depreciates. A woman does not always seek help and does not even always realize the fact that she has become a victim of domestic violence. Here are several reasons that contribute to this: - gender social stereotypes: “hitting means he loves”, “a man is the head of the family”, “if you saw who you married - be patient”, “getting a divorce is a sin”; - worsening economic situation in the country (especially if a woman is significantly economically dependent on her partner and has minor children); - victim blaming (prejudice that the victim herself is to blame for “punishing” the aggressor); - insufficient level of knowledge (how domestic violence manifests itself, what kind of behavior partnership is normal and what is not, what rights do victims of domestic violence have and where to go for help). Domestic violence negatively affects the psycho-emotional state, increases uncertainty, anxiety, and provokes the development of depression. Depression is characterized by depressed mood, loss of interest in things that previously brought pleasure,sleep disturbances, appetite disturbances, decreased concentration, feelings of guilt and despair [2]. It is important to remember that violence against a woman affects the entire family. Minor children who, in conditions of isolation, are forced to witness violence against their mother, are psychologically traumatized. Thus, the majority of women who suffer from violence from a partner were also victims of violent acts in childhood. These data point to the continuity of violence from one generation to another and the risk of re-victimization or crime [1]. Seeking help is much more than just taking care of yourself! What kind of help can a psychologist provide to a woman who has nevertheless sought psychological help? First of all, this is psychological support, as well as diagnosis and rehabilitation (correction). The main task is to normalize the psychological state. The main principles of working with a victim of violence are: empathy, attention to the woman’s words and feelings, accuracy and balanced conclusions, non-judgment, maintaining neutrality, explanations and double-checking, honesty, and not supporting the client’s illusions [8]. Under quarantine conditions, such assistance can be provided mainly in the form of a telephone conversation or online counseling, so it is important for a psychologist to be provided with the necessary technical support and have a good telephone and Internet connection. When providing first psychological aid, the psychologist should: - encourage the woman to talk about what happened; - help identify, name and express feelings associated with violence; - provide information about the essence of violence and its consequences; - make sure that the woman understands that what what happened to her was violence; - explain that responsibility for the violence lies entirely with the aggressor; - help create or restore a sense of control, the ability to make decisions; - clarify whether there is anyone around the woman who can provide help. If we divide the process of providing psychological assistance into stages, then, approximately, the work may look like this: Psychological support and problem research 1.1. Emotional aspect. First of all, a woman wants to cope with her pain, so it is important to give her time and space to express her experiences, help identify and voice her feelings, live them as far as possible, taking into account remote counseling and the characteristics of both the situation itself and the personal characteristics of the person seeking help . It is very important not to rush to lead the client to a resolution of the situation. 1.2. Cognitive aspect. Collecting information and viewing it from different angles. Actually, from this moment on, an actual request to work with a psychologist is being formed. At this stage, a diagnosis is made and further corrective work can be proposed. Also, the psychologist may recommend that the woman seek additional advice from another specialist, for example, if severe depression is suspected, a recommendation to consult a psychiatrist.2. Identification of alternatives, decision making. Work according to the request, as well as concluding a contract if long-term work is planned. In general, psychocorrectional work with victims of domestic violence is aimed at reducing the level of anxiety, severity and intensity of emotional shock, identifying intrapersonal conflicts and their awareness, identifying internal-specific conflicts and their awareness, recognizing and understanding one’s own feelings and emotions, the ability to talk about them and manage them, awareness and overcoming psychological trauma, replacing destructive behavioral patterns with effective ones that correspond to new life conditions, developing skills of constructive psychological defenses, positive self-esteem and confidence in one’s own ability to overcome difficulties, overcoming fears, acquiring the ability to say “no”.