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As soon as we hear the diagnosis of infertility, we understand that a person who has it will not be able to conceive, bear and give birth to a baby. In psychological practice, we very often come across clients with a similar problem, and, as a rule, these are women. Although men also face this problem, not everyone is able to come to a psychologist for help. When starting to work with clients, you need to understand that the diagnosis is reversible, that is, doctors did not find pathologies in the body or there were no operations to remove female organs, for example the uterus (without it you can’t give birth to a child). In psychological counseling, infertility is treated as a symptom. That is, the body tells us something. For example, “No” does not mean the desire to have a child, even if a woman wants it mentally. A person did not hear his body for a very long time, which consequently caused such a diagnosis. Main aspects of psychological infertility Psychological infertility can be caused by the following points: - Family history. Our family largely influences our behavior and lifestyle. This applies not only to mom and dad, but also to grandmothers, great-grandmothers and even more distant relatives. In one of the generations there could be a situation that is affecting a young couple right now, preventing them from conceiving a child. This could also be the story of the couple themselves. For example, the mother of a girl, who now wants to have a baby, once had an abortion, but did not cry for the baby, did not let go, and these emotions affect the whole family, preventing a new life from being born. Here the psychologist can help his client let this child go instead of the mother, since it is unlikely that the woman who had an abortion will agree to come to you with her daughter. An equally important influencing factor is trauma associated directly with childbirth, for example, during this period a close relative died. In this case, the psychologist needs to help the woman survive this traumatic experience, which will lead to harmonization of the family situation.2. Social pressure Very often, a girl gets married, and her relatives immediately “swoop” on her with demands for a grandson, nephew, godson, etc., but she herself wants something completely different in life. In our country, this is very common when parents put pressure on young women, with something like “As much as possible, we already had two children at your age” and all that. Even a couple is not considered a full-fledged family if they do not have children. In such a situation, the woman will not resist the child herself as much as the pressure, but this protest can be so strong that the baby has no chance until all these conflicts are resolved. A psychologist needs to work with what the woman does not agree with, with the status of childlessness of a woman, or with a violation of her freedom, respect towards her, etc. When the problem can be solved, and the woman feels satisfied, there is no need to work with the problem of infertility, it can go away on its own. The same applies to working with men .3. Relationship with a partner If a woman tries to have a child with her husband and they fail, a psychologist should pay attention to the relationship in the couple. It does not matter whether the marriage is civil or official. It is very important to understand the more necessary, basic things that ensure the full functioning of the family. It is worth remembering that none of the spouses is to blame for this or that problem, and there is also no one to blame for infertility. It is no secret that we choose our life partner for a reason, so we should not blame him for the fact that we chose him, and he chose us. Responsibility between the partners is divided in half. In this case, the psychologist needs to reveal the dissatisfaction hidden in the couple in the relationship, so to speak, “dark places” that affect both partners, but no one talks about them for one reason or another. It would be good to know , how many children each partner wants to have, who should look after them when they grow up, who will bear financial obligations and much more. The more moments)