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There are probably no parents who would not be faced with this situation: you go out with your child to the playground, to the sandbox, your child spends a long time collecting his favorite toys (a bucket of spatulas, molds, crayons, soap bubbles), the sun is shining, his soul is already happy warm summer sun... But everything turns out to be contrary to your mood for a pleasant walk with your beloved baby. Someone else's child tries to take away your toys, pours out your soap bubbles, your child wants to look at someone else's toys, but in return gets hit in the forehead with a dustpan or sand in the eyes. In response to your angry remarks about the child’s behavior, his mother says with a sweet smile that she is raising her child using a new method and in general nothing should be prohibited for children under the age of 5. And in the end, you, seething with indignation, drag the screaming child away to another place, there is resentment in your soul, your mood is ruined, and a blue bruise appears on your forehead... Sometimes, if overly aggressive fathers became witnesses to children’s showdowns in the sandbox, things came to a showdown between them. There have been cases of murder... And it happens that your child turns from an angel into a little devil, turns on all the kids swarming in the same sandbox, and you are forced to flee as if from a battlefield under the screams of indignant mothers, promising to give your home a thrashing. How can we prevent a walk from becoming a test of strength of nerves and strength of foreheads every time? - If a child doesn’t want to go and play with other children at all, don’t force him. Each child has his own rhythm of joining a new team - some immediately become the ringleaders, while others need to first take a closer look from afar, carefully try to make friends, and only then, maybe, play together. Therefore, if your baby pulls you away from the group of children, follow him. The time will come when he himself will rush into the general company, and you can read a book on a bench. Try to carefully accustom him to playing in a group, teach by example. Go up to another child, say hello, ask his name, tell him what yours is, ask permission to play with him, and if the other child resists, do not insist on playing together. By respecting the interests of another, you set an example for your child and let him know that his interests will also be taken into account. Try to play with the same children at first, so that your child does not have to deal with new faces if he has difficulty joining the group. The main principle is gradually, without insisting, following the pace of your child. - Your child’s toys were taken away, his Easter cakes were broken. The main thing is calm. First, see how your child reacts to the situation. Very often, what we perceive as blatant injustice does not seem so to a child. Maybe he really wouldn't mind sharing this time. Of course, if this happens every time and your baby acts as a sponsor for the entire yard, then you need to think about why this happens. If the baby cannot cope with the situation on his own and tears are already filling his eyes, take the situation into your own hands. Go with him to the invader, calmly and politely ask him to return the toy or change it, try to take another one from him in return. Try offering your other toy if that's what your baby needs. If nothing helps, call his mother for help, just refrain from reproaches, so as not to spoil the walk for yourself or your child. - Your child plays with others, but does not want to share anything And let him not share. Or do you feel ashamed that your baby will be regarded as greedy? So this is just your perception. A small child is an egoist. His toys are his treasures. Would you share your diamond jewelry or valuable fur coat? That's the same thing... And under no circumstances should you take away or give his toys to be lost to other kids, even if they are younger than yours. In this case, you simply become a traitor to your own child. It turns out that you are on the side of some alien invader. Instead of.