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I think many people have had this situation in their lives: you sit so small in your room and once again listen to your parents quarrel. You listen and think: it’s the same thing every time. Is it really impossible to reach an agreement? Is it really impossible to talk calmly? And everything seems so simple, clear and obvious. And then we grow up and ourselves fall into the trap of negative scenarios. In general, each couple has their own scenarios. If you analyze your current or past relationships, you will probably come to the conclusion that conflicts are cyclical. For example, major quarrels occur approximately twice a year and according to the same pattern, for similar reasons. In general, we can confidently say that there are three most common scenarios, patterns of behavior that can easily bring your relationship to a sad end. Scenario first: “find the culprit.” When living through such a scenario, each of the partners over the years accumulates an increasingly thick folder with “evidence” that the partner is to blame for all troubles and nothing else. Once a dispute begins, it is almost impossible to stop it. It’s almost as impossible as finding out “who started it first” and “how everything really happened.” Scenario two: “criticism - avoidance.” During the conflict, one of the partners takes an actively aggressive position: shouts, insults. The other, on the contrary, is completely ignored. And the more indifferent the second partner is, the louder and more actively the first one tries to reach him. Scenario three: “withdrawal.” It is characteristic of the stage when partners despair of reaching each other, admit that they will never be able to satisfy their needs in a couple and, as a result, completely close themselves off from each other. The stronger these scenarios become in a couple’s relationship, the more rapidly this couple rushes towards a breakup. Typically, the process aimed at completely destroying a relationship takes no more than five years. Of course, there is also a chance to save the relationship, but it is, first of all, associated with the need to recognize the problem, to discover the very fact of being in a negative scenario. And after this we can talk about gradually breaking out of this vicious circle. Sign up for a consultation: WhatsApp, Telegram +79202946939 Skype: ktatian1