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In general, relaxation is a purely feminine trait. If a woman lives in a relaxed state, then she lives like a woman. This means he lives as provided by nature itself. And therefore she can feel quite happy. A woman living in a relaxed state is extremely rare. It happens that after a good massage or bath she relaxes and... exhales: “How good, what bliss!” But after a while, vanity and high-speed living return her to a state of tension again. And tension is a state that deprives a woman of not only calm and relaxation. It, this tension, deprives a woman of her main “tool” - Femininity! Everyone probably knows that a feminine woman, a girl, is a tasty morsel for courageous men and not only for them... She is desired by her loved ones and just acquaintances, because she gives off a confidence and calm. She charges those around her with the energy of love and tranquility. In our difficult and hectic times, a woman’s calm is an absolute value, and it is worth a lot. A woman who has the ability to be relaxed and knows how to live in the vibrations of love and tranquility, that is, in the field of true femininity, is also desirable for fate. Life loves such women and favors them: “Do you want a courageous man? Please.” “Do you want healthy and beautiful children, and more? Please.” “Do you want there to always be plenty of bread and the children not to go hungry? Please.” A feminine woman is a welcome guest in this world. What should other women do who feel that they are very tired of the state of “I can do anything - I won’t pay”? What should those who cannot stop or sharply slow down the speed of their own lives do? I suggest, for starters, not stopping completely. That is, I propose to change your life towards femininity gradually. To completely stop, relax and do nothing that is required by society, the boss, the environment - this is too radical a remedy for women who are used to “carrying” their husband, children, business, work. A complete stop and concentration on oneself and one’s needs is perceived by such women as the collapse of her entire life and is not accepted as reasonable advice. But the heroine of the book by E. Gilbert and the film of the same name “Eat. Pray. Love” did just that. She completely changed her life, environment and way of being. She left prosperous America, where she separated from her husband, and became a traveler. And after a long (!) “slowdown,” a real feeling came to her, and a man appeared in her life, ready to love and care. So, I suggest you, dear girls, to keep your stomach relaxed throughout the day. I know from my own experience and from the experience of women involved in my groups that it is not so simple. A hard, pinched belly is the scourge of a modern woman. Why is it so important for a woman to have a soft, relaxed belly? The belly is life. It is in the abdominal area that the most important organs are located that allow you to bear and give birth to a new life. And the most important organ is the uterus, which is what I lovingly call a woman’s reproductive organ. So, with a tense abdomen it is impossible to have a soft, relaxed uterus. And this, in turn, leads to poor blood circulation in the pelvic area, changes and deterioration of reproductive function, complications during childbearing and childbirth. Note that a soft belly is not a hanging “bag”. This is a tummy with toned abdominal muscles and inner deep relaxation. Women who attend yoga and oriental dance classes know that the pelvic and abdominal areas of the vast majority of practitioners are tight. Breathing practices and special movements can improve the physiological state and teach a woman to relax and have a relaxed stomach. But what to do if you do not practice yoga or do oriental dancing? I recommend, nevertheless, to attend several classes with a good female master. And further develop the skill of relaxing the abdomen