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This is the answer to the question to the previous article “Grey rags”. The question is voluminous in content and important, so it makes sense to raise it separately. - Nowadays there are a lot of all kinds of seminars for women on the topics “how to love yourself”, “how to get out of a state of scarcity”, “how to get into abundance”, “how to become happy”... As I understand it, about how to remove this very "rags". But few people actually succeed. Girls, because we are all girls inside, like to dream, to be, to relax in these dreams during a seminar in the circle of the same dreamers, to visualize, stick newspapers, write plans, draw details on paper... but somehow everything remains at the level of beautiful photos on Instagram, with rare exceptions or individual moments, don’t really come true. So you can try to take off your rags and be left completely naked... well, you understand. - Yes, it’s clear what we’re talking about. And the picture is also familiar. This is a really trendy topic. Here it is important to distinguish what kind of abundance we are talking about. More precisely, what kind of source of this abundance is meant here and now. But, first of all, it is important to note that for many women such seminars, although not very deep and not leading away from the material level, help to ground themselves, relieve excess stress, and free themselves from negative parental blocs, our Soviet ones, like “it’s a shame to be rich” and “the rich are all thieves.” Isn’t it beneficial to be in a positive circle of women? Chat, drink tea, chat, share news. Unfortunately, now there is a lack of deeper female communication and understanding that women need to be together often - get together to do handicrafts, drink herbal tea with pleasant music, eat delicious food, have heart-to-heart conversations. Maybe move around somehow - dance or do some exercises, some practices that are not too serious and not long. It’s even better when children are around and have general supervision. But this is more of a women's club, with a little bit of everything against a pleasant, spiritual background. For women, the amount of “pleasantness” is important, this is how the psyche works - then one gets the impression that there are sooooo many good and useful things in these meetings! And since women go and go to the seminars you are talking about, it means there is some benefit. You may be asking yourself: what was my motive when I decided to attend this seminar? There is an external reason - a response to the topic and the changes that the seminar promised, but there are also internal motives, look for them. This will help you understand your needs. About the importance of grounding. When a woman feels bad, and feels bad specifically in family life, in relationships—her main field of activity—she can immerse herself in either work or spirituality. But this spirituality is often false, completely divorced from real life. It makes no sense to try to fly somewhere while we are here. Right here, here and now, in this materiality, as if inside it, it is important to look for new meanings and quality, as if “spiritual filling”. Otherwise it only gets worse. How many times have I already encountered a situation where a woman, very “spiritual”, praying daily, practicing something for hours, in her inner world, in her subconscious, found herself as if hanging above the ground, in the form of a kind of balloon - and not on solid ground? soil and not fly away. And not life, and not death. And from relationships that you don’t like, don’t like, in which you’re unhappy, but from which you can’t get out for various reasons, you also really want to “fly into the sky” like that, to escape from them. A woman most often does not allow herself to simply break them off. We are not talking about victims now. She knows inside that the knots should not be cut, not torn, but unraveled. But it’s difficult and painful, this is a real female asceticism, and you need to know “how,” so you don’t want to. It’s easier to run away to work - “I’m busy, I’m earning money,” or to spiritual practices - “I’m advancing spiritually, developing.” But we ourselves tied these knots, so it’s up to us to untie them. And this can only be done by staying here and now, and in these very relationships. And real!