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From the author: A set of steps for the consistent development of your own emotional intelligence. Fact. Each person perceives emotions and feelings extremely individually. And therefore, when faced with an alternative perception of emotions from strangers or close people, he often finds himself in a stress trap due to the problem of motivational choice - when he needs to make decisions without knowing or understanding the motives of his opponent’s behavior. Statement. Each person should develop his own emotional map and provide its extracts (or even a full-scale version), at least to his close people. The moment you realize all the benefits of having and regularly using an emotional map, you will certainly begin to create it . And, of course, you will redo it in your row. After all, an emotion is your subjective assessment/feeling towards an event/person/condition. That is, a kind of label that you attach to the phenomena around and inside you, and which has a certain set of sensations, and therefore is perceived as something that can be named. From personal experience I will say this - not a single client of mine has ever accepted the entire card I created. And thank God! After all, the main task of an emotional map is to help you realize two simple things - happiness and success. And how much my vanity will be stroked (as the author of the original version of the map) is the tenth thing :). After which you should sit down and subjectively (and only subjectively) on a piece of paper in front of you, divide your entire social environment into several circles of trust. The main criterion for distinguishing these circles will be the level of access to your emotions. That is, you decide for yourself who you tell about how to read your emotions, how to determine their essence and degree of intensity. Based on my experience working with clients in coaching and family counseling, I recommend that you identify 6 levels of trust. 1st level circle – subordinates. These are the people who, by the will of fate (and sometimes by your inner whim), ended up in the hands of an amazing manager (you). It is useful for such people to know only two things about you - how to determine your anger and satisfaction. The 2nd level circle is motivators. These are those people who, by the will of fate (albeit temporarily), found themselves in the position of your bosses (well, or people who perceive themselves as such, for example, a mother-in-law or mother-in-law can be classified as such). It is helpful for these people to provide feedback on how they can understand your feelings of enthusiasm, boredom, fear, and irritation. After all, they are connected with you by movement towards some common material goal. And such an achievement directly depends on their (the bosses) ability to build boundaries in team relationships. Level 3 circle – colleagues. For them, it will be very useful for you to lift the curtain on the emotions of a communicative set (enthusiasm, boredom, selfishness, loneliness, anxiety, irritation), which allows you to “cohabit” on the same territory without excessive conflicts, squabbles and manipulations. Circle of 4th level friends. Although friends are your resource, your entertainment in life, and at times - support and support, they are recommended to reveal only a limited set of your experiences, the so-called “gift set” (joy and sadness, interest and boredom). This will allow you to gain resourceful social connections without the risk of betrayal or disappointment. If your friends claim that you are ready to go on reconnaissance missions with them, then feel free to place them on the next level. The circle of the 5th level is your loved ones. Don’t confuse them with relatives (some of them may not be allowed into your soul at all:). It is important for your true loved ones to know almost everything about you. It is important to understand you and be able to provide emotional support and empathy. They deserve to know you, as they say, from the inside. In addition, the lack of mutual understanding on an emotional level between loved ones guarantees you an ocean of problems in the form of conflicts, grievances, permanent claims and even self-harm. The only feeling they don't know: