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From the author: article by Galina Chesnova - therapist of emotional trauma Causes of illnesses The number of people seeking help from doctors and healers is terrifying. Statistics tell us about the annual increase in people dying and suffering from various diseases. The number of babies born with pathologies increases every year. Some blame pharmacology for low-quality products, some doctors for incompetence and love of money, some blame the environment and even the government. But the only thing that each of us needs is to take responsibility for our lives and health. In fact, there is only one cause of disease - an imbalance that is created by: 1. Infections and parasites. Viruses and bacteria are the number one killers in the world! 85% of the population cohabit with parasites in their own body, and some of them cannot be determined by medical tests. 2. Poor nutrition is a serious problem for modern people. 3. Toxins. Over the past 50 years, 80,000 new chemicals have been added to the product market in various forms from soap to food. Only 47% of them have been tested. Heavy metals, industrial waste and even mold can be found in human blood. 4. Energy reasons that depend on the ecology and vibrations of our thoughts. 5. Displacements of both bone and fluid origin. For example, a person’s back hurts, and the cause is an imbalance in the liver.6. Emotional blocks. We discuss what this is in detail below. We live in a modern world of stress, poor ecology, a huge amount of information and bad habits. And no matter what lifestyle we lead, we experience different kinds of emotions every day. Sometimes they overwhelm us and we throw out our emotions on the people around us, regardless of whether they are positive or negative. How would we live without emotions? Emotions paint our lives in different colors. Without emotions, we would not be able to fall in love, enjoy a new day, would not feel happy moments, would not empathize with the pain of others, and the most unpleasant thing is that we would be deprived of the opportunity to dream. Life without emotions would turn into a gray mechanical ritual from cradle to grave. But, unfortunately, people experience different emotions. Such as anger, disappointment, despair, resentment. Of course, life goes on and we forget about what we felt and experienced at certain moments in our lives, but traces of the influence of certain events on us can remain with us throughout our lives and can even be inherited in the form of emotional blocks. What are they blocking? The normal flow of energy and fluids in the body, creating devastating effects on health. Emotional blocks weaken the immune system, interfere with the natural cleansing of the body, and even deprive a person of the ability to love! Millions of people live lives filled with poor health and emotional burden. Not knowing how to start living a joyful life full of satisfaction and desires, they are forced to accept a lifestyle filled with emotional trauma and chronic physical pain. Hand in hand with these problems go painkillers, insomnia, overeating and oppressive anxiety - but such “treatment” is hardly better than the disease itself. There are different methods and programs for managing emotions, such as the Sedona method or the Emotional Freedom Technique, meditation, art. therapy, fairy tale therapy and relaxation methods. We learn the skills of managing emotions, but we clearly understand that we cannot control our feelings, we can control our actions, so we often suppress and hide our feelings, thereby creating an imbalance in the body that leads to illness. EMOTION CODE program - in Russian - decoding emotions frees you from emotional blocks forever. If you belong to the category of most people, you feel driven into a corner, tired of being sad, despairing, worrying, feeling dissatisfied and depressed. You are tired of expensive and ineffective treatment. Would you like to develop, prosper and succeed?!