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Why doesn't the magic wand work? (or how to speed up the fulfillment of wishes) Last week, my grandmother gave my four-year-old daughter a magic wand and fairy wings. Eva attached her wings and took hold of the magic wand. The daughter waved it: “I want a lot of balls!”, “I want chocolate!” But neither balls nor chocolate appeared. “It’s a useless thing,” Eva decided and threw the shiny wand into the trash. Mom, the wand doesn't work, why? - the daughter asked, looking at her half-deflated colorful friends. Balloons, waving their tails and strings, had already filled the entire apartment, a strict count was kept of them, and it was strictly forbidden to expel them from the apartment on pain of Eva’s tears. “I did the ritual with money. But they never showed up!” - one of our subscribers complained. Well, of course, I never knew how to earn a lot of them, but at least a little bit could come? A few days later, a miracle happened in our apartment - dad materialized on the threshold on a beautiful autumn day with a new ball in his hands. To my bewildered look, “Another one?!” he shrugged his shoulders, he wanted to please his child. And a man who wanted money found 100 rubles at a bus stop. Friends, what am I talking about!? The universe is kind and caring, it fulfills your wishes, regardless of whether you wave a magic wand or a magic broom (this is just a way to convey your desire to her in a state of energy and drive). But it performs exactly as much as you yourself are ready. As much as there is space inside you to accept what you want into your life. And if all your space is filled with half-deflated balloons, negative attitudes and other rubbish, how can what you want enter your life? Is it just a small piece of it... To speed up getting what you want, clear the space, your head, emotions, body, because it’s not for nothing that before the New Year it was customary to throw away everything old in order to make room for the new. By the way, we have about 40 days, if you start now, you can still make it! And don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. To find what you want, you often need to walk along paths never traveled by you! Another important point. Waving magic wands, doing welfare meditation, performing a magic ritual, we are all waiting for an immediate miracle that will suddenly appear from outside. It may appear immediately. In the form of a choked-up guy in a suit on your landing: “Did you know that your apartment number won a million rubles?” Or a tempting offer on the entrance door: Super job. 500,000 a month, you just need to come to us and pay only 1000 rubles for insurance against an accident, against a bag of money falling on your head from the roof.” And miracles are born not outside, but inside you. They grow and appear there with your help. And often it takes time for them to grow inside you. Please remember now what you wanted 5-10 years ago. I’m willing to bet that 80% came true, 10% fell away as unnecessary, and another 10% is a zone for your growth, to make your life more interesting and brighter. Are you saying that you have no more wishes come true? And I even know what exactly! Those desires in which you told yourself: “I can’t!”, “I’m not worthy!”, “I’m not sure,” “I won’t even try,” etc. And you work for at least 21 days on your desire and then release it into the world! Let's be honest, we spend more time worrying and thinking about why it won't work out. We did meditation once, then 21 days of experiences. What if it was the other way around? If you really wanted to, we sat down, cried on the topic: “Why will I never have this, and in general, I am the most unhappy Carlson in the world” and let go of all the worries and the attitude of a loser. Now 21 days - for working on your desire! We think about him fulfilled only with positivity and love for your desire. And the more action and energy you put into its fulfillment, the more new paths to it you see - the sooner your desires will come true with us: For the meaning of yours!