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From the author: I have met very few people in my life who were free from resentment. Most people are touchy... What is offense? Resentment is a mental feeling because it arises in our mind. This feeling is inherent in the child’s ego state. It’s good if resentment as a feeling arises only occasionally, but what if this feeling has become a character trait? In childhood, we were all offended in one way or another and offended someone, sometimes by accident, and sometimes on purpose. But this is in childhood. So why, as adults, do many people continue to be offended by others? Can they withdraw and not talk, demonstratively avoid or condemn the offender? The reason for the offense is as follows: 1. False ego. People who are often offended by others have a large false ego. The false ego assumes that there is a Self and there are others; it judges, compares and evaluates.2. Pride. This is a consequence of false ego. The one who is offended considers himself in his soul better and higher than the offender. He seems to be elevated and therefore he has the right to be offended.3. Immaturity. Although biologically a person may be 50 or 70, psychologically his age is about 5-7 years. Once upon a time at this very age, when the child was active, perhaps his parents suppressed his activity and he was very offended. Later, this behavior took hold and became habitual. In my opinion, only “Children” are offended, i.e. those ADULTS who psychologically remained children. They may criticize me and disagree, but a personally mature person does not have offense because he sees the world as a whole, and not its individual parts. Of course, there are too few such people, but this does not mean that such maturity cannot be achieved. It all depends on our persistence and desire to grow above ourselves. And resentment as a feeling is a good signal to work on oneself if someone wants to grow and move along the spiritual path. Resentment harms the one who is OFFENDED! Example: The person being offended thinks: “I won’t talk to him, I’ll teach him a lesson.” ... And he starts to get offended. He thinks he is teaching another, being offended. But in fact, everything is quite the opposite. He is silent, tension and anger accumulate inside, breathing often becomes shallow, negative thoughts appear. Resentment covers up bright feelings: joy, love, warmth, participation, sympathy. This means that Health is leaving. They cannot break through the veil of resentment and therefore a person plunges into negative experiences. Resentment brings great suffering: It separates the offended person from people; Deprives of energy; Immerses in negative thoughts and experiences; Disturbs the proper blood supply to organs; Deprives of love and joy; Creates a favorable environment for development of diseases; Plunges you into a feeling of loneliness. You need to work with resentment if it is too frequent a guest in your life... Almost everyone who seeks psychological help starts with resentment towards someone... So many resentments accumulate throughout life... Step by step in the process of psychotherapy, the client begins to understand and realize the causes and roots of grievances. And they begin to melt. Energy and space for positive emotions (joy, warmth and love) are freed up. This is how a person gradually becomes happy again, the way he was in his distant childhood... But HAPPINESS is our nature. I wish you all happiness! You can also leave comments by filling out the form below: Share on vk