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Divorce is not a catastrophe on a universal scale, but only a revolution: old values ​​are overthrown in the name of building new ones... Natalya Kalinina Getting a divorce is like being hit by a truck; if you manage to survive, you look more closely on the sides.Jean KerrDivorce is a complex process that has a strong emotional impact. Some begin to experience stress even before an official conversation with their husband about divorce, while others find out about it suddenly. But in any case, divorce bursts into life completely unexpectedly, because the woman believes until the very end that everything will get better. Unfortunately (or fortunately), divorce can most often only be delayed, but not prevented. And therefore you need to work not with what you would like, but with what you have. It is necessary to accept as a fact that the divorce has already been completed, and now you should learn to live on. No one will be better off if you plunge into an age-old moss-covered depression after a divorce. No matter how difficult it is, you need to learn from your life and move on. It should be understood that divorce is not just emotional stress, it is also a change in life for which no one is prepared. Your lifestyle will change and you will feel uncomfortable all the time. That is why it is best to follow the simple and understandable rules that will be given below. They will help you quickly normalize your life, take your mind off the unpleasant feelings after a divorce, survive all the negativity and feel free in the full sense of the word.1. Don't try to hide from the world. The further you run away from it, the deeper your depression becomes. Anything that can be found outside the home will help you start your life over and speed up your “recovery” from the effects of divorce.2. During the divorce, do not restrain yourself, do not try to pull yourself together as much as possible and be stingy with emotions. By calming yourself down and delaying the release of feelings, you simply leave with you a large baggage of negative things, which you will not be able to “remove” normally. All your negativity will gradually spill out on those around you - on your friends, on your children, on your work colleagues. Be sincere during the divorce process, but remember that with these emotions you are not trying to get your spouse back, but to make it easier for you to separate from him.3. Don't try to find a new partner or get married as quickly as possible. Your pain and instability in the post-divorce period will lead you to choose the wrong person for you. Not only will this not distract you, but it will also bring new problems into your life. Try to think about what you would like to see in your new husband, this will give you confidence and will not allow you to rush at the first person you meet out of melancholy and disappointment.4. Take your free time, don't be alone with your thoughts. Remember what you loved to do before marriage or what you stopped doing because of your husband. Look for new activities that might excite you. Go to an unfamiliar restaurant, ride a horse, go on an excursion, start knitting a sweater for a neighbor's child. And don't forget to expand your circle of acquaintances - the more you learn about someone else, the less painful you will be about your divorce.5. Do not indulge your desire to be weak, do not strive to attract the attention of people around you, to receive their care and affection. After all, this is how you inspire yourself to be completely dependent on the world and feel unable to change anything in your life on your own. Remember that friends will not abandon you or leave you without help, even if you are strong. “Victims of divorce” are often shown sympathy, but these words of pity will sound more like condolences for the rest of your life.6. Break down the habits you acquired during your marriage - what time you get up, what time you go to bed, what you do before bed and what exactly you eat. Thanks to these small changes, you will feel that your life has actually changed, and that you can now correct it at your own will and discretion.7. Finally, if you.