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Cockroaches in the head, butterflies in the stomach. Thoughts are like a swarm of annoying flies. Bestial anger. What else is on the list of comparisons between the inner world and the animal world? There is animal psychology - when scientists try to understand how animals feel, behave and what they think about. And this turns out to be psychozoology - the world of animals in the psyche. Cockroaches are something nimble, annoying, difficult to remove, and causing inconvenience. They start from the remains of our life. Anything that is not thrown away or recycled will gather dust somewhere in a secluded corner of the home. Are these our grievances, fears, disappointments? Those that are not lived to the final point? The ones that left a bad taste in our souls? To carry out sanitary cleaning, you have to shake up what has long been forgotten. Something that a person may not even suspect exists. Not the most pleasant idea, but just as necessary as in the fight against real insects. Comparison is an ancient tool of knowledge. A person compares himself with animals, states of nature, and through these comparisons he gets to know himself. And vice versa - the sky can frown, the earth can reject, the sea can rage. We are part of the environment, the environment is part of us. Sometimes, through third-party assistants, it is easier to express and describe what is happening inside. I love using metaphors in my work. This is my strong point. When I meet someone, I immediately find out who the person works and how he lives. In order to understand what images can be used, what language to speak. The closer I get to the client’s context, the faster reliable and productive contact will be established. Language synchronization is an important part of the job. For example, an accountant. The concept of debit and credit will be closer to him than psychological terms. Or a mother who has dedicated her life to raising children - meanings will immediately appear if I start using the metaphor of a child - the inner child, care, concern, acceptance. There will be one language with the doctor. With a biologist it’s different. With a worker at the factory - the third. Py.sy. I wanted to post a photo of some evil animal, but I remembered that most of my audience was girls. Suddenly I shake someone’s spiritual organization. Therefore, here is a squirrel for you))) alive, not metaphorical)))) I help you establish connections with reality. Flexible payment system. 8-964-835-44-28 (it’s better to write rather than call).